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[chapter five]
Fifth Letter

JENO was up late, and practically flew out of bed to do his morning hygiene. After hitting himself a few times while getting his clothes on, he quietly steps downstairs. Silence is filled around him as he quickly, and quietly steps out the house.

Closing the door on his way out, he takes off running down the sidewalk. He knew he was going to miss first period, and that's when he ran faster. He was almost flying on his feet. Jeno thought about the letter, and felt his heart drop.

Getting to school he rushes in and signs in, and then runs to his locker. Not even a second after he puts his bag away, the bell rings and people start scurrying out of their classrooms. Jeno panics as he closes his locker and swiftly gets past people.

He holds his books and supplies tightly going through the crowd of teenagers. He finally gets to his first period room and goes to his desk desperately.

He puts his hand in the desk, frantically. Hoping to write back as soon as he can, he can't seem to feel the letter. He then looks under the desk in irritation.

His eyes widened, and his heart dropped all the way down to his feet. He felt his blood run cold, and his body freeze. He feels his breath shallow, and his nerves rise to the surface of his skin.

The letter was gone.

"We should blackmail him, whoever he is." A girl with a high pitched voice says, fixing her curly blonde hair in a hand mirror.

"No, I wanna do something more. He likes my Jaemin, can you believe that? He's also a guy, probably gay." A girl with pink hair says, putting on more lipgloss. The lipgloss clumps on her lips, the shiny going dry as the air hits it.

"Well then that's perfect! All we have to do to is pass this letter around and make him confess who he is." The blonde says as she puckers her lips up before putting her mirror away in a expensive purse.

"I also think we should tell Jaemin, hm?" The pink haired girl laid her eyes down the slightest, and a small evil smirk formed on her face.

"Seems like a plan to me, but how do we know he'll confess?" The blonde asks, a small innocent smile on her face.

"Good, and he will confess. We'll make him."

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