✱ special chapter ✱

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Special chapter because you guys were so kind, and again, thank you for reading my story

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SNOW fell on the first day of December, filling the sidewalks and fields with a fresh white blanket. People scurry along the streets, hoping to get out of the cold as soon as possible as they shiver. The children however, play to their full desire as the cold means nothing to them. Simply just another season passing through. Driving through parks, you'd see many snowman's being built or already built. You'd also see children throwing snow at each other, and chasing each other into snow.

It was simply a magical time of year, and everyone was getting ready for Christmas.

Including Na Jaemin.

Said male was on his way to work, late at night as he's left his lover home. He's been working hard and long to get his lover what he wanted, a vacation. That is what Jeno always said he wanted to do, is visit a beach anywhere with Jaemin. Jaemin planned to make it happen. He wanted to give everything to his lover, his time, his attention, his love, all of it. Jeno was the love of his life, he wanted to show it.

Arriving at work, he steps into the large building and scans his card. His secretary immediately comes and follows behind him as he walks to his office. In the 2 years he's been here, he made a plan before he and Jeno even moved. He planned to become a CEO, and that's what he just did. So now he's a pretty popular person, and gains lots of money. Jaemin never really settled in for the big life, but when he did, he found Jeno and him and new home. He also found Jeno another cat, which he refused on the offer again but after Jeno he couldn't. He had to admit, he's weak for the other.

Arriving to his office, his secretary puts the files down and he looks them over. It was just a bunch of businesses trying to build further up, and Jaemin had to admit he didn't want them to. Some of them could ruin the economy, and he couldn't let that happen.

After awhile of writing messages and files, he tells his secretary to take these to the businesses. Once the secretary leaves, Jaemin leans back in his chair. Looking up at the ceiling, he closes his eyes and thinks of someone. A small smile creeps onto his face, and he gives a small sigh.

"I'll reward you love, I promise."

Jeno is at home, painting on a canvas as he wants for Jaemin to come home. After awhile, he gives up as he puts his supply in the sink and washes them off. Putting them away, he dries his hands as he walks over to the tv. Sitting on the couch, he puts on a cartoon series.

After awhile, he looks towards the door, and waits a moment. He then sighs, turning off the tv as he gets off the couch. Walking to the bathroom, he closes the door and strips himself slowly. Deciding to take a shower as Jaemin wouldn't be home anytime soon.

Getting in the shower, he lets the hot water run down his body. His muscles relax, and he eases his mind. His shoulders slouch, and he lets the water wash down his body. He then runs his hands through his hair, making it stay back from his face.

He jumps as he feels hands touch his waist, and gasp as he feels a chest press against his back.

"I'd thought you'd be a sleep by now." That honey voice comes from behind, and Jeno instantly knew who it was.

"I was waiting for you to come home." Jeno whispers, the hands massaging his hips slowly.

"Oh?" The voice is right next to Jeno's ear, and he feels a kiss being placed on his jaw.

Jeno leans his head to the side a little, giving the other more access as soft kisses are placed down his neck to his shoulder. It wasn't sexual at the moment, more comforting than anything.

"Your working to much." Jeno says.

"I know, but soon you'll see why." Jaemin replies, leaning his head on the side of the others.

"Why can't I know now?" Jeno asks with a pout.

"Because, then it wouldn't be a surprise anymore." Jaemin says with a loving smile.

"I don't like surprises." Jeno whines.

"You will, I promise you."

In a period of time, Jaemin saved up enough money to take Jeno to a beach in Hawaii. He's never traveled in Hawaii, so that's why he got himself a personal assistant to help them around. He also ordered a private jet, which Jeno was scared to fly in. Jeno had never been overseas, so Jaemin wanted to make this trip count. He planned out everything, even a small cruise to see the dolphins. He kept that a secret though, wanting Jeno to experience everything without anticipation.

Jeno on the other hand couldn't get enough of the ocean when they arrived. Jaemin watched him run to the beach, and play in the sand as he looked for baby clams. Jaemin started filming without Jeno noticing as well, taking small videos during their meals, when they go to beach, when Jeno just wasn't looking in particular. It felt surreal, having Jeno by his side on a vacation. The boy smiling until his face hurt, and laughing until he cried. This is all Jaemin wanted.

It was sunset, and the sun sits upon the horizon. Jeno and Jaemin watches it, sitting down on the sand as they hold hands. Jeno was leaning his head on the others shoulder, a small satisfied smile resting on his face.

"Jaemin?..." Jeno starts suddenly, the smile disappearing.

"What is it love?" Jaemin asks.

A moment of silence passes, and Jaemin waits patiently.

"Will we be together forever?" Jeno asks softly.

"Of course, as long as you keep loving me." Jaemin explains.

"What if your heart belongs to another? What if you find somebody else?" Jeno whispers, taking his head on Jaemins shoulder.

Jaemin frowns, and looks over at the other. Giving a squeeze to the others hand, he furrows his eyebrows.

"I'm not going to leave you Jeno, I could never imagine myself loving another. Your so beautiful, so captivating, so intelligent, so kind, and so strong. You're never going to have to suffer by yourself again either, I promise you that." Jaemin says with determination.

Jeno looks up at him, staring at the love of his life as golden hour passes. A tear slowly falls down Jeno's cheek, and Jaemins is taken back.

"Jeno don't cry, why are you crying?" Jaemin panics, and pull the other close.

"I can't help it, nobody has ever told me such a thing." Jeno says with a shaky breath.

"Well get used to it, cause I'll be telling you that everyday until you believe it." Jaemin whispers.

Jeno gives a small smile at this, sniffling as he lets the other hold him close. Staring at the sunset, he feels warmth in his heart. Jaemin loved him, and treated him like he's always wanted to be treated. Gave him the attention Jeno never got, and told him things nobody has ever did. His heart warmed up, becoming soft again after such a harsh reality. It was this boy who made him love again.

"I love you Na Jaemin."

"I love you more Lee Jeno."

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