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[chapter ten]

JENO was frozen in the spot, staring up into those brown orbs made his legs feel like jelly all the sudden. His stomach did a backflip just seeing his face up close, and his heart was beating faster by the second. It was so loud, he could hear it pounding in his ears, and he only hoped the other didn't hear it. His heads became sweaty, and his cheeks burned with embarrassment. He couldn't say anything as he left his mouth halfway open in shock.

"Hey, are you okay?" A sudden honey toned voice snapped him out of his daydream, and he blinked once or twice to focus his vision.

He then opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out but soft whispers. He couldn't bring himself to speak, and the hand on his arm wasn't helping. His skin began to burn from the touch, and he thought he was being touched by an angel.

"I-I— um— you— I—" Jeno stumbles over his words and his voice gets stuck in his throat.

His face is burning with embarrassment, and his ears are now red. He feels almost sick.

"Hey hey calm down, it's ok. You must be pretty flustered to meet me." Jaemin says softly.

"How about we go to the coffee shop. We can talk there." Jaemin proposes.


Jeno's nerves feel like a war is going on inside him, and his only wishes he could make it die down. However, right now he's sitting in front of the Na Jaemin, whose looking at him like he's made of gold. He curses himself for being so awkward, and stares at his drink Jaemin bought him.

"What's your name." Jaemin finally breaks the ice, and Jeno pops his head in surprise.

"Jeno. Lee Jeno." Jeno whispers.

"Lee Jeno." Jaemin repeats to himself in a low voice, and Jeno leaned in the slightest. The words falling off the others tongue so easily made it impossible for Jeno not too.

"I finally found you." Jaemin then said, and Jeno raises his eyebrow. Jaemin only cracks a smile, and Jeno's hearts stops beating for a second.

Jeno almost melts into the smile, it's so perfect how could he not. The smile that he's seen everyday, and never get tired of. It was only better up close.

"I've been looking everywhere. I was even surprised that you texted me." Jaemin admits. "And to think all I wanted was to see you, and talk to you like I'm doing now."

Jaemins voice is so smooth when he says it, and Jeno finally admits defeat to himself. He likes Na Jaemin, he really does. Even if he hasn't known him for a whole day, he knows he's already deep in love. He only wishes Jaemin felt the same way.

"I want to know more about you, so let's play 21 questions. You first." Jaemin quickly says with a smile.

"Ok, um, how did you find me? I thought school didn't get out that early." Jeno asks, curious.

"Well, I decided to leave school early because I feel as thought you had the same thought. Especially since the conversation we had over text before hand." Jaemin says.

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