I was Wrong

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You probably look at people who claim they've been abducted by aliens and think, "Man, they're nuts". Then you probably shake your head, frown, and try to resist the urge to laugh - usually failing.
Yeah, I can relate. I was there once. I thought the same thing. But my position was a tad bit different. See, people told me that I was crazy because I didn't believe I had been abducted. I thought they were all messing with me. Some big practical joke. A whole neighbourhood in on it? I think I was just in denial - some strange defense mechanism exhibited by my brain.
I began to notice strange things. Like a glitch in the matrix...my very own Mandela effect. It started when I noticed my shampoo was a different brand. I shook it off and assumed i picked up the wrong thing in the store and was too tired or stressed to notice. But then other things were off. My bedsheets were the wrong colour, my shoes were in the wrong part of the house, my phone was an iPhone instead of a Samsung. I wondered if I was going nuts.
Then the dreams came. You've heard of people saying they get strange dreams of owl like creatures staring at them through the window? Maybe you haven't. I've just spent many hours searching for other people who were in the same situation as I was in. I was honestly starting to believe I'd really been abducted. So I decided to speak to some neighbours to find out what was going on.
I went next door, and my neighbour - an elderly woman - came to see who it was.
She gasped when she saw me. I mean I don't blame her. I was a mess. There were dark circles around my eyes, I hadn't washed my hair in two weeks, and I couldn't even remember my last meal that wasn't black coffee. But she was apprehensive of letting me in. I was the crazy lady next door who was in denial about my own abduction.
"Please, help me. I can't take it anymore. I believe you all. I was abducted. Why do you all know this but I have no memory of it?" I pleaded with her.
She let me inside, and I sighed in relief.
She offered me some tea, and...well...I regret taking it. I really regret it. She was another Mandela effect...wasn't my neighbour an old man?
She drugged me with the tea, but somehow I managed to get away and lock myself in her bathroom. I'm typing this as quickly as I can in the hopes of letting people know what happened to me, Emma Cotton. I wasn't the abducted one. I never was. My neighbours were. God knows what happened to them. All I know is that the aliens used me as a sort of social experiment. I don't know why me, but I suspect I won't be alive long enough to find out. If you're reading this, then heed my warning. Mandela effects are not just a fun thing to discuss with friends.

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