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Mathilde peeked out of the closet, and shrinked back when she saw Adelaide's feet hit the floor in a sleepy daze. Her eyes were drooping shut, but she could not let that happen. She had to watch her sister's every move, understand them. Sleep was not an option. She gathered her courage and suppressed a sigh as she pressed her face up against the closet door.
"Adelaide Badeaux...what are you up to?" She thought to herself.
She gasped. She didn't think Adelaide had heard her shuffling around, but there she was, walking up to the small built in closet. She pressed her little body up against the back of the closet and hid behind the coats. She pressed a hand to her mouth.
A minute passed. Mathilde sat up and shook her head, she wasn't going to see her. She never had. Mathilde thought this was finally the day she would find out what happened when her sister woke. She believed it was not a force of this world that leaked into her sister's mind and forced her to do such horrific acts that have forced the public to ostracize her to the lonely house hiding out in the woods. The first time it happened, Mathilde woefully shook her head in remembrance, Adelaide had tried to hang a child from the rafter in the child's own home. The young blonde child squirmed and kicked at the devilish Adelaide in the face. The only act saving her. Since then Adelaide and her family had been forced to leave civilisation. The most queer thing in that unfortunate occurrence was that she was not awake mentally, but her body was.
Mathilde snapped herself out of the memory and once again pressed her face up against the closet door, looking through the small wooden blinds. She saw not a soul. Panic began to set in. A thud. A small noise, and it drew her attention to the right. A hand knocked onto the floor. Adelaide's still sleeping face came into view, and it was so close that Mathilde could feel her breath coming out in hot short puffs.
She tried to hold the doors shut. Adelaide, or whatever was controlling Adelaide, was trying to open the doors. Unearthly grunts of anger could be heard from the other side as the creature inhabiting her sister's body tried with great might and force to break down the only barrier between the life and death of the unfortunate Mathilde. She whimpered in fright, she begged her sister not to hurt her. Sweared at her in french, and threatened her. Adelaide would not give up. Her throat had gone raspy and raw and a low guttural moan was emitted from deep within. Mathilde gasped. The doors stopped shaking. Had Adelaide finally stopped? She could see the first few rays of sweet, sweet sunlight slip into the originally darkened chamber. No sign of Adelaide was seen, and Mathilde realised she would have to try again another night, as morning caused her sister to slip into her coma. She was just thankful that she had prevented her sister from committing yet another ungodly act. She had kept her sanity. Mathilde Badeaux stepped out of the closet for what was, what she hoped, was the last time. She smiled, and made to exit the room. A sharp pain shooting through her skull stopped her dead in her tracks like a deer in headlights. She turned around. Adelaide held onto a lamp, broken nightshade and all, her eyes still shut. Her nightgown was ripped and dirty, her hair wild and untameable. Her feet were bare and her fingernails were bloodied and stumpy from scratching against the closet door in a wild attempt to get to Mathilde. Her fingers were left with stumps of dried up blood. This was what had become of her sister. Mathilde closed her eyes and slipped into a painful slumber. Adelaide then muttered the last words that Mathilde would hear, "My sister, now you must do as I do and," she dropped to the floor, feeling for her sister, "sleep."

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