A Penny For Your Thoughts

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Anne comes into Green Gables out of breath from running. She won't admit it, but the thought of wolves scared her, even if she always explores the island. She very much would've liked Gilbert to walk her.

"Just in time for dinner," Marilla said as she came in. "Did you walk alone?"

"I'm perfectly capable of walking alone, am I not?"

"No, you are. It's just not safe to walk alone so close to dark."

"I never did understand that logic! So, if someone walks you home to make sure you're safe, they put themselves in greater risk as they walk alone and closer to dark."

"Well I suppose I never looked at it that way."

"It's more of a flattery to walk alone with a girl home," Matthew said from his rocking chair.

"That's what Gilbert said!"

"You denied Gilbert to walk you home! Here I was beginning to think they just didn't offer!"

"Well, it's so close to dark and dinner and he'd have to walk alone, and he was already home! It's such a waste to walk to someone's gate and walk back, and rather strange. I don't get it. What is the appeal of walking someone home? Oh Marilla, watch dinner!"

Marilla quickly took the pan she had off of the stove and onto the table. "Now, fiddlesticks. You've distracted me again Anne," Marilla laughed.

"I'll help set the table. A little crispy isn't the worst in the world," Anne said, grabbing the dishes.

"I suppose not. Are you alright with a bit of a burnt dinner Matthew"

"Never did any harm, did it?"


"Charlie? No. He's okay, I guess, but he kind of follows Billy. Most boys follow Billy, all but perfect Gilbert!" Ruby sighs as she sits on her bed, going through all the boys she knows, hoping to find someone else to love.

"Enough Ruby! Stop thinking about Gilbert! How about Moody? He's very kind, and likes to hang around you anyway. He could be someone to love."

"Ruby!" Her mother yelled. "Dinner!"


Ruby sat in silence as she ate, trapped in her thoughts of love. "Well you haven't been chatty the last few days," her mother said.

"I'm thinking things over."

"A penny for your thoughts," her father asked, holding up a shiny penny.

Ruby sighed and played with her food. "I'll take the penny when I figure out my thoughts."

"Goodness darling! You act like your heart was broken."

"Mother, it wasn't. I'm okay." At least no one but herself broke it, and she knew she would be okay.

"Maybe you would like some friends over?"

Ruby's sisters whine no in annoyance, but it seems to help because Ruby perks up. "Oh, I think that would make me feel a bit better! Diana's aunt is here for a couple days. I'm sure she can't come over. Anne will probably be busy exploring the island, hardly at home. Maybe Jane and Tillie! Could I invite them over?"

"If you eat your dinner."

Ruby smiled and began to eat as she normally did, thinking about what she was going to do with her friends.


     "Diana, your playing is splendid!"

     "Thank you Ms.Chaminade!"

     "Wouldn't it be a wonderful thing to aspire to? I know we talked about it at the party, but after hearing you, I believe it is a wonderful idea!"

     "She can keep it up if her husband would like her to," Eliza mumbled.

     "What would she need a husband for," Josephine said. "I never had one, and I lived a full, happy life!"

     "Yes Josephine, but I'm keen on the idea of my girls having a happy life with a husband!"

     "Oh but mother, I really do enjoy playing piano."

     "Then you could find a husband that also likes piano."

     "Mother, I don't believe a husband would support me traveling to play piano."

     "Then you won't travel!"

     "But mother! Don't you want me to do that of which I enjoy?"

     "You are too young to decide something like that!"

     "Anne and Gilbert know what they desire to do with their lives! Several children are choosing now! Why can't I choose?"

     "You are too young! There's no need to put all your efforts into such a risky career! You should get a safe career if one at all that will keep you stable with a family. Piano is something to keep up, if desired!"

     "Mrs Barry. I've been playing piano since well before Diana's age. I must say, she's even better than I was at this age, and this is the age I decided I wanted to become a pianist," Ms.Chaminade said, trying to convince in a calm manor.

     "I want my girls to have husbands!" Eliza said sternly.

     "I don't want a husband mother," Minnie May said. "I want to do anything I want!"

     "You are a child!"

     "Mrs Barry," said a maid, walking into the room. "Everyone, dinner is ready."

     "Thank you," Eliza said, stomping to the table.

     Dinner was a very quiet, tense meal. No one even looked at each other.


     "Listen Blythe, Anne is hard to show you love her."

     "Bash! Love! I like her, but-"

     "Blythe-" Bash said, looking at him dumbfounded, "never mind. A man could figure it out."

     "I am a man!"

     "Last time you tried to convince me that, you threw up the 'danger'."

     "Oh," Gilbert cringed. "That was disgusting!"

     "You must show her in some way that you like her."

     "I'll have to think on it."

     "You can always wait until our baby is born, Blythe! I'm sure Anne will be here all the time!"

     Gilbert laughed at the comment. "I'll be going to bed early," he said.

     "You'll be thinking about Anne, Blythe, I know you."

     "Anne Blythe, doesn't that sound good?" Mary whispered. Her and Bash giggled to themselves as Gilbert rushed to his room.

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