(i) do you see how much my heart beats for you?

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It wasn't hard to get people to hate you. You stuck out like a sore thumb because of your abrasive attitude, one-track mind and belief that fun was a frivolous waste of time. The only person who didn't was literally a ball of sunshine.

Your best friend, Rantaro.

You had no clue why he stuck with you, given that you'd insulted him more times than both of you can count. You've not been a particularly good friend for a large part of the time you've known each other. But he'd stayed - unlike anyone else you'd ever known. You possess an ever-growing fondness for the boy.

The funniest thing? He's absolutely perfect.

There's literally nothing wrong with him. He's gorgeous, polite, smart, athletic, kind...the list goes on. Everyone loves him.

And yet he's always chosen to stay faithfully by your side.

It seemed crazy, impossible, even. But Rantaro's presence was the greatest constant of your life. He was the unshakeable foundation of your well-being, if you could even call it 'being' at this point. Honestly, he was the only reason you were even alive right now.

But you knew these times would be short-lived. Rantaro would find someone more deserving of him, and return to the thriving world of the living. You would stay in your depressing reality, it would be the best you'd ever get.

Not that the world outside was any good. Full of people who do not aim for anything, who believe achieving excellence is not the true goal of life. Full of participation certificates and 'everybody wins' attitudes. Full of losers.

But Rantaro was different. He has an aspiration, a passionate fire the blazes inside of him. He has a determination the him that you've never seen before. But he has never revealed his passion, his goal, to you.

You do not mind. As long as he's working, being productive, helping the world, doing something to help this world. Not being a useless layabout.

Though, Rantaro would never stop working towards his dream. It seems too precious to him.

It is a most beautiful dream then, you think decidedly.

"Whatcha thinking 'bout?"

You hear his voice snap you out of your thoughts. A lovely voice, it's a shame he doesn't sing much.

"Your dream." You reply. "I was just thinking that it must be a very lovely dream to get you so inspired."

"It really is!" Rantaro smiles at you, it's so pure that it feels like the blinding light of the sun. "It's the best dream to have ever been dreamt!"

You roll your eyes at his enthusiasm, but you can't help the small smile that slips past your lips at his antics. Without warning, Rantaro grabs your hand and runs towards the school, dragging you along.

You aren't sure what being on the sun would feel like, but you're sure that being the recipient of Rantaro's smile is probably a close estimate. His eyes are closed from the sheer extent of his grin, it almost reaches his eyes, and shows off all his (perfect, you grumble silently, just like everything else) teeth.

It's so beautiful. So, so, so beautiful. It's rather unfortunate he doesn't date, you think the world is missing out. (You also think, that while it is selfish, you're glad he spends so much time with you - and you alone.)

He's the only person there. The only person who ever was there.

And once again, the only person unafraid to talk to you.

"You have something really important on your mind today, don't you?" Rantaro says, smirking. "You haven't made fun of me even once yet!"

You roll your eyes, but a smile escapes you regardless. "Very funny."

"I'm serious!" Rantaro giggles, bending down to rest his head against yours. "You're thinking of something big, something that'll change the world."

"If it isn't going to change the world," you say, looking pointedly at Rantaro. "What's the point in considering it?"

"Perhaps 'the world' means different things to different people," Rantaro says, looking off at some point far away.

It takes a moment, but his attention then snaps right back to you, like shiny metal pulled to a strong magnet. He stares at you, you contemplating what he just said.

"Perhaps you are right." You say, decidedly.

"If you say that," he says, jumping high, pumping his fist into the air. "I must be!"

You stop at your lockers, taking off your regular shoes and wearing your school ones. Three letters flutter out of Rantaro's locker and land on the floor. Rantaro pays them no heed, moving to loop his hand through yours.

"Aren't you going to look at them?" You ask him.

"Look at what?" He replies, then follows the direction of your gaze to the letters on the floor. "Ah, those."

"Do you want me to?" He asks, his question sincere.

You shrug, and he picks up the letters and opens them. One of them looks like the owner clearly put a lot of time into it, scented paper with a long message, decorative candy and chocolates as well. You raise your eyebrows, it is an impressive gift. You turn to the second one, which seems to be a lot less decorative, but the poem scripted is a sign of incredible talent, you think it's probably the best one then. You turn to the third one and can barely read past a line of it's mushy romantic nonsense before you feel like throwing up.

"Do you want me to answer them?" Rantaro asks.

"You can only answer one of them," you say, pointing at the the times mentioned. "They all want you to meet them at the same time, but at different places."

"You're just too smart to be real," Rantaro says, ruffling your hair.

You take the clips out of your now messed up hair and start repinning it, so it looks neat and proper again.

"I'd appreciate it if you don't touch my hair," you say. "But yes, you have to pick one to reply to if you want to reply to any of them."

"Which one should we go with, then?" Rantaro says, turning to you with a lazy, playful smile on your face.

"The second one," you say, not missing a beat. "It cuts straight to the point and showcases the writer's ambition and passion through their talented writing."

"If that's the one you like," Rantaro says, tossing his arms around you to give you a hug. "That's that's the one we're going with."

"We?" You ask. "Are you not going to answer them alone?"

"I'm going to need a reason to reject them, right?" Rantaro says.

"I really do think you should give them a thought," you say, shaking your head. "Dating someone may genuinely be something that makes you happy, so you don't have to force yourself to spend time with me if you don't want to."

"Nonsense!" Rantaro exclaims. "Spending time with you is just what I look forward to everyday, and dating someone would just take away that time from me."

"Still," you say. "I can handle myself for a couple of hours each day, so please give someone else a chance and maybe you'll be happier with it."

"Who'll handle me then?" Rantaro says, earning himself a punch to his shoulder.

"Listen to them," you say. "Listen to them properly, understand what they're saying. Don't just brush it off because you think I'll be lonely without you."

"Fine," Rantaro sighs and relents. "If that's what you want, angel, then I'll do it."

"Good," you say. "It's time to head to class now, so we better hurry or we'll be late."

Rantaro loops his arm through yours and smiles widely, you let a minuscule smile escape you in return. You let him walk you to the classroom, talking the whole time about this one show he watched over the weekend, and then plop down in the seat next to you. You take out a quiz from you backpack and set a timer on your watch and get to solving it, scribbling math equations on the side and drumming your fingers on the desk.

Rantaro watches you with a fond smile on his face.

Blood Bouquet: Yandere Boys x Female! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now