so am i; jinyoung

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its okay to be different,

cause baby, so am i

the girl walked into the classroom, palms sweaty as she followed the teacher's instructions and introduced herself to the class.

to her relief, the students gave her welcoming smiles as they allowed the new girl to join their class.

if everyone here knew about her story, they wouldn't be so pleased to have her.

"(y/n), you can sit at the back with jinyoung." the teacher informed, waving her hand to the back of the classroom where a boy sat at, alone.

immediately, the classroom erupted into whispers and murmurs.

"why did the teacher arrange this new pretty girl to sit with that odd Park Jinyoung?" the girl overheard a boy telling his friend.

other students shot her sympathetic looks as she headed to the back of the class, unsure of what to expect.

"hi, i'm (y/n)." the girl introduced, as she settled down in the seat next to jinyoung, sticking out her hand to him.

hesitantly, the boy took her hand and shook it, mumbling, "jinyoung."

(y/n) didn't know why everyone "outcasted" him.

to her, he looked normal. in fact, she found him to be quite good-looking, maybe even the most handsome in the class.

she smiled kindly at the boy before taking out her books. she was prepared to start a new life at this new school and leave her past behind.

"class, i want all of you to get into pairs for this group project." the teacher ordered, allowing the class to start buzzing, and get out of their seats to find their own partners.

"hey (y/n), do you want to partner me?" a voice asked, looking up, the girl realised it was the boy from earlier.

she didn't plan on partnering anyone who called her tablemate "odd".

offering the boy a sweet smile, she apologised, "sorry, but i already found a partner."

meanwhile, jinyoung was listening in on the conversation between (y/n) and baekhyun.

he was confused as to why she said she had found a partner when she never actually asked anyone.

when baekhyun walked away, (y/n) turned to jinyoung, "so are you going to help me with this project or what?"

jinyoung was puzzled yet suprised.

no one in the class ever wanted to partner him.

maybe this girl was okay with him because she didn't know about..


for the first time, jinyoung enjoyed the class, as he worked with (y/n) on the group project.

sometimes, (y/n) would strike up conversations with him by asking him about his favourite subjects or hobbies, and he would just answer accordingly, sometimes even asking her back the same question.

"i can't believe we are given such a short dateline." (y/n) sighed in exasperation, throwing her books into her bag.

jinyoung simply hummed in response as he kept his own things.

"do you want to come to my house after school? we can finish working on the project." (y/n) suggested, turning to look at him.

"okay." jinyoung nodded, slinging his bag over his shoulder.

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