gym; jackson

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As jackson walked into the gym, his eyes immediately landed on the girl running on the treadmill.

He never saw her before and immediately assumed she was probably new here.

But that wasn't the most important thing to him. What made jackson notice the girl was her immense beauty.

The girl's hair was a rich shade of brown and her skin was porcelain-like. A straight nose, twinkling hazel eyes and full pink lips- to jackson, she seemed the picture of perfection.

He stared at her, mesmerised by even the smallest movements she made.

Whether it was the swinging of her ponytail as she ran or how she rubbed the sweat off her face with the sleeve of her shirt. It all captured his heart.

As he let his thoughts run wild, he didn't notice that the girl had already got off the trackmill and was waving a hand in front of his face.

"Hey, excuse me?" the girl asked politely.

"Ah yes." Jackson replied as he suddenly snapped out of his daze.

The girl made a small giggle before continuing, "I was wondering if there was a vending machine somewhere near here? I'm new here so i don't really know stuff."

She was talking to him? Jackson couldn't believe his ears.

"Yea, theres actually a vending machine here. I can bring you there." Jackson smiled at her as he tried to act as chill as he possibly could.

Suprisingly, the two got along very well as they started chatting about some of the similar interests they shared during the short walk to the vending machine.

"Thanks for helping me find this." The girl laughed as she reached down to collect her drink from the vending machine.

"No problem at all. Anyways, I'm jackson" jackson smiled as he raised out a hand to her.

"(y/n)" she smiled back as she grabbed his hand and shaked it.

"See you around?" Jackson asked.

"Yea, I hope to meet you again." She chuckled.

Waving goodbye to him, she turned and walked off.

Jackson's heart did a happy dance and he screamed internally.

But just before his thoughts could go further, (y/n) was back.

She stood there with her head held low and her hand sheepishly scratching the back of her neck.

"I'm not very sure how to get back, do you know where block 7 is?" She asked, face full of embarrassment.

Jackson chuckled at her cuteness and made use of the chance to gently grab her wrist and lead her to block 7.

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