Chapter XI

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     The very next day I went to my classes. It seemed to drag on and on and I was getting anxious.

     I wasn't ready to let the world know about my scar, that would take some time, but I was comfortable with it visible with friends. My friends.

     As soon as the last bell rang I stuffed my things into my bag and went back to the dorm. I want to look presentable if he was awake. Wait, do I have time for that? Shouldn't I go seen him right away?

     No, I bet his mother is visiting him, I'll take my time. I pulled out the pink hoodie that Izuku gave me and some black jeans with my favorite sneakers. I brushed my teeth and fixed my hair. Should I wear a beanie? Yes, yes I should. I pulled on my black beanie to where is was pushing my hair in my face. I looked in the mirror and sighed. Why am I dressing up? He's probably not even awake.

     A knock on my door yanked me out of my thoughts. I scrambled to open it and when I did...

     "Hey, half n half, you have a minute?" Bakugou stood at the door, hands stuffed in the pockets of his black hoodie. Why was he here?

     "Sure, come in." I step away from the door and he stomps inside. "May I ask why-"

"You were getting ready to go see that worthless Deku, right?" he cuts me off. I nod. "I want to know what happened yesterday. And you fucking better not hold anything back." The ashy blond sat on the couch and crossed his legs under him. I was confused, however, I complied with his request. I told him everything. To how we urged me to come out to where he made me a waffle to the TV delivery and set up.

"We were just about to watch something when he suddenly went pale and limp. I thought he fell asleep but when he responded... I knew something was wrong. He said something about his heart as he grabbed his chest in pain. He lost consciousness when the paramedics came." After I finished, we sat in silence. Bakugou was staring through me with an intense focus in his eyes.

"Do you know what caused it?" Bakugou asked, unusually calm like he knows something about him that I don't. I shake my head and he sighed. "So he hasn't told you yet, huh? What a dumbass," he snickered.

"Told me... what?" I say quietly, a little afraid of the answer. He stood up and shuffled to the door.

"I'm not gonna fucking waste my breath explaining it to you. It's better if that stupid shitty Deku tells you." And with that, he left. I sat there. Bakugou was unusually.... calm and... helpful in someway. I had a theory that Izuku was hiding something from me, and that blond bastard confirmed it for me and sheared light on how Izuku had experienced that before. I can't think about it anymore, I'm gonna go ask.

And so I locked the room and went straight to the hospital.

When I got there, I searched tirelessly for his room that the desk man gave directions for. Room 420 on the fourth floor. I finally came across a wooden door with the numbers nailed to it. I slowly open it up with a creak.

"Hello?" a small boys voice called. Izu's voice.

"Hi," I said, closing the door behind me. I looked around the room. Pastel yellow and white curtains that see out over half a roof and the other building next door. Not a nice view but you can at least get sunlight. Dark, pale blue chairs and a white board with markings line the wall in front of the bed. A white bed, where a cheery Izuku Midoryia is, sipping on a juice box. He's covered in IVs and heart monitors that are connected to his hospital gown covered chest. His legs were wrapped in two or three layers of white blankets and a portable table stretched over his lap.

"Oh! Hey Shoto!" Izuku said happily, the room lighting up from his smile. I take a seat and slide it over to the side of his bed and sit.

"How are you doing, Izuku?" I asked nonchalantly, a small smile gracing my face.

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