Chapter XIV

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     I walked out with a bag in hand. My arms were weaker than usual and my eyes not used to the cold. I walked down the pavement, expecting no less from the hard wind that stung my bare skin.

     No one was able to walk with me today. It was early in the morning on a Tuesday, meaning everyone I know is either at school or at work. But I was fine being alone, it gave me time to think.

    I requested to get most of my physical therapy out of the way at the hospital. Meaning, I practically lived at the hospital for three months. But I still have physical therapy every Saturday at 3 pm.

     Izuku hasn't visited me at all in the past two weeks. Is he okay? Did something happen while I was gone? I was probably just over thinking it and he simply just didn't have time to visit me. But something was off with his behavior. Did his heart get him into the hospital again? What was doing right now? I wonder if he's studying too much again or practicing his instrument. I can't wait to see his adorable face again. To run my hand through his messy hair again. To hug him again and eat with him normally again. To be by his side again.

I've come to accept the fact that if he's not homosexual then I'll continue to be his friend, even though our relationship might change drastically. But that doesn't mean I'm not afraid, I am. I'm terrified.

I round the corner and find my car in a parking spot. My siblings didn't say anything about my car being here... It's turned on?

I cautiously walk up to the window and squint to see who's in it, though it's very hard since my hair is covering my left eye.

I jump back as soon as the window rolls down, and I'm met with a smiling Izuku.

"Hey Shoto! Um, aren't you gonna get in?" The nervous energy he gave off was sensible and I'd be stupid to not recognize it. I nodded and climbed in the passenger seat, throwing the bag in the back as I fastened my seatbelt.

"I wasn't sure if this was my car or not," I explained and he nervously chuckled.

"Yeah, I figured. I would've texted you but my phone broke a couple of days ago," he chuckled lightly, a slight blush present on his freckles cheeks. I hummed in response before I started asking questions I couldn't hold back.

"Why haven't you visited me?" I quietly say. His face turned a bright shade of pink before he stammered an answer.

"Oh, um, because, uhhh, I had a couple of projects to do and exams are coming up so I've been busy with those for the past month or so. I-I'm sorry if I worried you I didn't really mean to!" he said loudly and all I could do was chuckle.

"I figured as much. Don't worry about it, Izuku." I waved my hand dismissively with a small grin. There was silence for a few moments and when I noticed we weren't moving, I looked at him to see he was staring wide eyed at me, like a deer in headlights. "Izuku?" I waved my hand in front of his face and that's when he finally snapped out of his unusual daze. A deep blush invaded his cheeks and he turned away to try and hide the obvious.

"I'm sorry! It's just, that was the first time you called me that since you um..." I laughed lightly at the boys nervousness and he looked at me surprised.

"It's fine, but can we not waste my gas and actually go back home?" I ask, eager to get back to the dorm and take a shower to wash off this hospital smell. He nodded quickly and he drove off.

On the way back, a catchy song Izuku and I liked came on and I instantly turned up the radio and sang along to it, startling him but he soon did the same and we jammed out together. I don't know why, but I guess I just wanted to have fun again. I missed the days where me and that dork geeked out over music and TV shows we liked. How we played just dance in the middle of our dorm until our bodies ached. How we walked together and just talked or enjoyed the peaceful silence.

     Soon we arrived at the college, our voices hoarse from screaming at the top of our lungs and we laughed at how stupid we were.

     Izuku and I got out and checked in, talking as we went to the dorm. I ended up telling him about my family. How my mother was sent to a mental asylum for pouring boiling water on me, making this scar. I told him how my father forced me into music and how 'strict' he was with me. I even told him about my cat Kori, who died when I was about 12 and how my father just threw him away like trash. I didn't hide anything and for some reason it didn't bother me anymore. Usually I'd be angry and sad, but I was just content or nonchalant about not hiding it from him anymore.

     He unlocked the door and when we got in, it was pitch black. The blinds weren't rolled up like usual and I couldn't see anything. I flipped the switch-


     I legitimately fell on my ass and take three deep breaths to calm myself down.

     They all laughed and I could help but smile awkwardly with them. Izuku helped me up and I brushed myself off.

     "That reaction was the best I've had so far!" Mina exclaimed as she clapped her hands together.

     "Happy Birthday Shoto!" Kasai hugged me and my eyes widened in shock as I stared around the room. The walls were decorated in red and white and turquoise paper rings. A colourful banner that said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" hung in the middle of the room along with lights that glittered the ceiling. Everyone that I've ever met was there, including Bakugou, and my siblings were smiling happily and talked with one another.

     "It's my birthday?" I asked in confusion. My eyes landed on my siblings as they giggled.

     "Yes you dummy! How could you-oh!" Kasai stared pitifully at me, but I bent down and picked her up, spinning her around.

     "Thank you!" I chuckled with her and I slowly let her out of my arms. I looked to everyone who was already chatting happily with each other. Uraraka stood on one of the stools and clapped her hands, getting everyone's attention.

     "It's time for birthday cake and presents!" she announced and everyone cheered. All of a sudden I was pushed from behind by Kasai into the small kitchen we had. In the center of the island was a birthday cake with my name on it. It was a cookie cake too. Did he really remember that I don't like cupcakes cause they're too doughy?

     A total of 19 candles circled the cake, and they were all lit with flame. And in the midst of my thoughts, they started to sing. I was almost on the brink of tears and I clasped my hands over my mouth to keep me from crying.

     After they were done, I had to wipe away some tears. I couldn't believe how wonderful these people are, even though I've never actually spent that much time with them. I cleared my throat before speaking.

     "I can't believe how nice you guys are. This is the best birthday I've ever had," I scoffed at my own sappiness before blowing out the candles.

     We opened presents and I was surprised at how much they got me. I got shirts, boots, music books, regular books, movies and even a new violin that was pure white with music music notes decorating the sides. I was surprised I didn't get anything from Izuku, but I guess his present was throwing me a party since he was the one who came up with the idea. So I didn't get too disappointed knowing he did this for me. I made sure to hug everyone before they left. Bakugou just gave me a high five, but that was rare itself.

     It was sunset when everyone left and it was just me and Izuku cleaning up the mess. After we cleaned all the trash and decorations that were paper from the dorm, I took a quick shower and sat on the couch. I didn't notice it sitting in the corner.

     I didn't realize it until now that Izuku Midoryia is a sneaky little weasel with a trick up his sleeve.


Published August 21 2019
Edited December 13 2022

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