CH 19 Sleepover

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( Lucy POV)

As soon as we got back we were bombarded by questions. 

Were you really in the dragon realm?

Do you know the slayer's parents?

Who came to get you?

The girls were wearing bandages to cover their tattoos while my long hair covered mine. 

" Should I keep them away princess" I heard Gajeel say and I roll my eyes and smirk. Ever since the coronation he has stopped calling me bunny girl and started to call me princess. 

Of course, everyone was confused about this change and Natsu stepped forward. 

" why do you smell like Igneel" he screamed. 

I looked towards Gajeel and nodded as he smirked. Gaje surrounded himself in lightning surprising the guild as he teleported behind Natsu and shocked him. 

I cough and earn the attention of the guild. 

" Yes, I was at the dragon realm Yes I know the slayer's parents and the person who came to get me is a Dragon in her human form called Celest," I said. I began to walk over to James and the others who had gone to train with the demons but I am blocked by Wendy. 

" Do you really now my mom is she OK?" Wendy said crying and I pull her into a hug muffling she sobs. 

" Grandeeny is fine I'll let you see her later" I whispered into Wendy's ear as she wipes away her stray tears and nods. 

I sat down with the others and told the one that wasn't there what happened with a soundproof barrier of course. 

After the reactions which involved fainting, I shoo away the boys. 

" Mira, Erza, Wendy come here" I call over and they sit down next to us and I reaply the barrier. 

" So how does a sleepover in my room sound," I said clapping my hands together like a child. 

Everyone agrees and we set a time. Before we leave the guild I take James to the side and see Juvia doing the same thing to Luke. 

" I'm having a sleepover with the girls if I even sense you near us I will not hesitate to kill you understand," I say making my eyes turn red. James nods and I smile turning my eyes back to normal. 

" good," I say and James walks over to Luke who is crying. Poor guy Juvia probably scared the hell out of him.  

All the girls and I walk over to my house and raid the fridge for all its snacks and get ready to watch a movie. 

After a while, Mira starts a game of truth or dare and forced everyone to play by entering Satan Soul. While I know I can probably beat her in a fight she still scares me. 

" Alright then I'll start Erza truth or dare," Mira said while pointing at Erza in her satan soul. 

" Dare," Erza said smiling proudly and glaring at Mira daring her to do something. 

" I dare you to call Jellal and ask him if he wants to do something fun tonight and hang up," Mira said. Juvia immediately covered Wendy's ears and Levy and I screamed Jerza is canon. 

Erza turned bright red and pulled out her CP (communication lacrima) and called Jellal. 

" what do you need from me tonight Erza," Jellal asked. 

" do you want to do something fun tonight Jellal," Erza said in a seductive voice and Jellal went nuts. 

" Erza why did you ask that? are you ok? do you want me to come over" Jelal stuttered and we could hear laughing in the back? 

" Wow I didn't know Erza could be so bold," Gajeel said in the background as Erza hung up turning red. 

" Oh, Mira truth or dare," Erza said turning demonic. 

" I'm no coward dare," Mira said shrugging and Erza smiled. 

" Send Laxus a picture of your chest area," Erza said and Mira turned pale. 

Mira got her communication lacrima out and took the picture to Laaxas and blushed. Laxus replied almost imidetly with the same reaction as Jellal. 

" Mira why did you send me that are you ok" he texted and a few seconds later he was calling Mira. 

" My turn Lucy T or D," Levy said and I sighed. 

" truth," I said. I am not scared but if you knew Levy you would be. 

" How far have you gone with James," Levy asked and I blushed. 

" not far," I said looking away at the squeals of delight I got from the rest. 

" Wendy T or D," I said and Wendy blushed and said the truth. 

" What do you feel towards Romeo," I ask smiling as she blushes. 

" I may or may not like him" Wendy said causing a commotion with Mira screaming. 

After a while, the dares accumulated. 

Juvia had to send " I love you idiot" to Luke. 

Levy had to curse out Gajeel over a communication lacrima. 

The worst dares were given to and by Mira and Erza who had started a war. 

After the game of truth or dare, we changed revealing our tattoos to Erza Mira and Wendy. 

We had a pillow fight and told scary stories before we went to sleep. 

In the morning we got ready and went to the guild. The boys cornered us and asked about what happened last night. 

The thing is we all forgot about that so we did the only logical thing. We ran to the master's office and hid there the entire day. 

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