ch10 the dates

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(lucy pov)

I called a meeting in my room for all the girls to tell them about the news.

I was shocked to hear that the same thing happened to Juvia and Levy and Ashley began to plan our outfits. 

Suddenly the boys enter the room and announced that we will be going on separate dates but meeting up at the end. 

One piece of information that popped out was hat we were going someplace formal and that me and James were going on a Chinese style date and that Juvia was going on a pick-nic. 

( James POV)

After I and Luke told each other about our dates we began to plan. 

" You know there is a festival in town and Lucy told while training that she wanted to go there," Luke said looking at me. 

" Thanks, bro I'll take her their P.S Juvia always liked going on picnic's when we were younger," I said remembering juvia's face every time we would go on a pick-nic. 

" Alright that's where we are both going for our dates so know we have to get ready," Luke said. 

After we told the girls our plan we divided up the work to make things go faster. 

" How about I get our tickets while you make the food and I'll find you a blanket" I suggested. 

" Thanks so should we meet up after our dates and go around town or something," Luke said and I nodded. 

After getting the tickets and finding a blanket I found Luke cooking what seemed like a 5-star meal. There was ribs, steak, salads, and blueberry cheesecake. 

" Dude," I said in awe and he slid a plate over to me. 

" Did you really think that I would make food and not save some for you" I heard him say but continued eating. 

After I finished eating I look up at Luke who was putting plates and napkins into the basket. 

" Marry me," I asked looking at Luke strait in the eyes and he laughed. 

" Sorry dude I prefer your sister," he said smirking as I pretended to look betrayed. 

We spent the whole night joking until we went to sleep. 

- time skip to the morning-

Me and Luke were in front of the girl's room we heard giggling and I knocked. The door opened to reveal Levy who called the girls over. 

When I saw my sister and lucy step out I nearly dropped the flowers I was holding. I look over to Luke and saw his mouth hanging open. ( they are wearing what is in the media)

" Close your mouth before you get flies," The two girls said blushing. 

I took Lucy by the arm and led her to the festival which was 5 minutes from our house.

 We played all the games and ate at the food stalls. At one point I won a stuffed fairy for Lucy and she won me a good luck charm. 

When the time reached 5 o clock I took Lucy and led her to the cafe we are meeting Juvia and Luke at. 

Juvia and Luke arrived around a minute and Juvia told me about her date and the food and view she had from the hill that Luke took her. 

After we explored the city me and Luke did the signal to start what we had planned last night. 

when we got to the beach me and Luke turned to face the girls and took their hands. 

" Will you please go out with me?" We both said in unison. The girls jumped into our arms and before my brain could tell what was happening Lucy's lips were on mine. 

I melt into the kiss and look over to Juvia and Luke. Juvia was hugging Luke saying yes over and over. 

I look back to Lucy who looked like an angel with the pink light of the sunset reflected off her skin. 

She pulls away from the kiss leaving me pouting and smirks. 

" Does that answer your question?" she asks and it's my turn to smirk. 

" I don't know maybe you should answer it again," I say trying to look innocent. 

She lifts her eyebrow and pulls me into another kiss. 

After a while, we go home the feeling of her lips on mine is still there. 

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