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"The biggest pickle"

Camille had only ever seen a busted ball once, and that was on T.V. But there it was, a busted ball laying right in front of her.

"Bitchin'." Mia whispered, staring at the skin.

"No it ain't." Benny responded.

"C'mon Benny man, maybe two or three guys in history ever busted the guts out of a ball," Squints reassured him. "Must be an omen."

"All this means is that we can't play no more, I mean it's only twelve o clock! I just ruined the whole day for us!" Benny complained.

"No you didn't, that's the most amazing thing I ever saw!" Kenny gaped.

"Anybody got any money?" Camille asked, receiving a chorus of 'no'.

"Then it ain't okay, now we can't play no more." Benny sighed.

"Yeah we can," Scotty interrupted.

"What? You got ninety-eight cents at home just lying around, Smalls?"

"No, but I got a ball."

The group yelled at him to go get it, causing him to run off. They all went their separate ways, waiting patiently for Scotty to come back.

"Hey," Camille greeted as she sat next to Benny on the bench.

"Hey, Cami," he greeted back, slouched over with his elbows on his knees.

"It's not your fault you know. Kenny's right, that was pretty amazing."

He smiled. "Thanks," he said, placing an arm around her. "Scotty better get back soon, or else I might burst." He joked.

"We really don't live that far, maybe he's just walkin'."


Scotty came running down the field with the ball in his hands, flailing around and out of breath. Benny and Camille went to greet him, Camille patting the boy's back.

"Benny! I got it!" he panted.

"Bitchin'. Your ball, you're ups. Here you go," Benny smiled, handing the bat to Scotty.

After being tricked by Ham once, Scotty hit Camille's pitch with extreme accuracy, sending it flying over the fence. The beast's fence. He made it two bases, then realized what had happened and started to walk towards the fence, causing everyone to start to quiet down, telling him he hadn't finished the home run yet.

Scotty stopped at the fence.

"Yeah! Who's got the big bat now boys!" Benny cheered, noticing Scotty's gaze on the fence.

"You forgot to turn! What the hell is he doing?" Ham asked.

"Maybe the shock of his first home-run is too much for him." Bertram suggested, earning a confused look from Benny.

Camille led the small group as they walked up to Scotty, giving him some room as they noticed he was upset.

"Smalls?" Mia called, worriedly.

"What's up with him?" Camille turned to ask Benny. but was stopped when Scotty turned around.

"We gotta get that ball back."

Mia, along with all of the boys, laughed, "Wow, Camille, you never told us he was funny!"

Camille looked at the weeping boy in front of her and turned to Mia, "I don't think he's jokin'."

Mia's smile dropped.

"Just forget about it, man. We'll just get another ball." Benny suggested.

"No, you don't understand!" Scotty cried.

"Sure, we do." Benny said, turning around. "You feel bad cause you belted a homer. Now we can't play no more." Benny said.

"No, you don't understand! That wasn't my ball!"

Everyone froze and started to look at each other. Looks of confusion, suspicion, and worry glazed the crowd.

"What do you mean, that wasn't your ball?" Squints asked.

"Scotty," Camille said, gesturing for him to calm down. "Who's ball was it?"

"It was my stepdad's. I stole it from his trophy room. It was a present or something, somebody gave it to him. But we gotta get it back. He's gonna kill me!"

"Jesus-" Camille sighed, approaching the boy. "'Kay, Scotty? Listen to me, calm down."

"No, listen to me, smalls." Squints interrupted. "It's a matter of life and death. Where did your old man get that ball?"

"What? I don't know. Some lady gave it to him. Why?" Scotty answered, confusing all of the group. "Yeah, she even signed her name on it. Some lady named...Ruth. Baby Ruth."

Camille realized too soon. "Oh no."

"Babe Ruth!" All of the boys yelled, running towards the fence and peeking through, trying to find the ball. After a few seconds, they all ran back.

"What happened?" Mia asked.

"The beast got it!" Kenny panted.

"You're dead as a doornail, Smalls." Timmy said.

"You're dead as a doornail." Tommy repeated.

"Smalls," Timmy continued. "You mean to tell me that you went home and swiped a ball that was signed by Babe Ruth, and you brought it out here and actually played with it?"

"Actually played with it?" Tommy repeated.

"Yeah, but I was gonna bring it back." Scotty defended.

"But it was signed by Babe Ruth!" Squints yelled.

"Yeah. You keep telling me that. Who is she?" Scotty asked.

"Damnit, Scotty." Camille facepalmed, Mia sighting next to her.

"What?" Ham gasped.

"The sultan of swat!" Kenny said.

"The king of crash!" Bertram added.

"The colossus of clout!" Timmy and Tommy said.

"Babe Ruth!" They all yelled.

"The great bambino!" Ham yelled.

Scotty's face filled with horror. He grabbed his hair and yelled, "Oh my god! You mean that's the same guy!"

"Yes!" They all answered.

"Smalls," Benny sighed, "Babe Ruth is the greatest baseball player that ever lived. People say he was less than a god but more than a man. You know, like Hercules or something. That ball you just aced to the beast is worth...well, more than your whole life, man."

"Jesus, Benny." Cami scolded, giving him a look.

"It's the truth, Cami!"

"I don't feel so good." Scotty collapsed, causing all of the boys to fan him.

"We have to get that ball back." Scotty groaned.

Benny, Mia, and Camille all made eye contact.

"Alright, when does your old man get home from work?" Benny asked.

"He's gone on business. Out of town. But he could be back anytime."

"Alright, find out when." Mia added.

"Guys, spread out and look for bottles and cash 'em in. We need ninety-eight cents. We gotta buy us a ball." Benny finished, causing the boys to all spread out and look around the sandlot.

"Scotty, let's go ask when your dad gets home, we'll come with you for...moral support, I guess." Cami told him, gesturing to Mia.

"Okay, let's go then." He said, starting to run off.

Mia and Cami looked at each other, shrugged, and ran after him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2020 ⏰

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