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Normani p.o.v

"Look at me" I raised my head up from my phone as my best friends stares at me squinting her eyes "What?"

"That girl....do you know her?" I shook my head "she's pretty right? I met her at the gym, and we just so happened to bump into each other at the café" Lauren makes a face "what?"


"Lauren come on what's wrong?" She bites her lips "I just don't like her. I don't see what you see in her" I nodded looking out the window. "She just seems friendly"

"She basically tried to push me off the treadmill she's an asshole" I frowned. "After what happened with Dinah, and the cheating I just wanna have fun you know. For 3 years the only thing on my mind was Dinah, and what she wants, and what makes her happy. And now that we're finally over I want to focus on me, focus on what I want."

Lauren sits up and walks over to me and sit down. She crosses her legs and let out a breath. "What does that have to do with the girl?"

I shrugged. "I don't know.....she's breathtaking and she seems really nice-"

"She's breathtaking and she seems really nice? Normani the only thing you should be worrying about is yourself. Not a relationship look" she grabs my shoulder switching positions so she was looking at me. "You were married for 3 years....don't you think you should be single for awhile? I mean have as much sex as you want but why waste your time on a relationship right now?" She furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

I looked down at my lip sighing. "I don't want to be in a relationship" she smiles. "Good, you don't need to be in one-"

"But I've been with one person for 8 years. I want to see what's out there for me, what the hell have I been missing?" She brings a finger to cheek, "you have a lash"

She moves away from me. "So you want to see what's out there? You want to find yourself? I can help you. But let's not do that girl"

"Why not?"

"Because by the way she dressed I can tell she's broke, we only associate with people in our league" she fixes my hair. "Why downgrade?" She grabs the the a wine glass and pour some wine in it. I looked through the tinted window watching everything past by.

"I'm so glad we're leaving this fucking city.....it's a disappointment there's no excitement" I heard Lauren say. I knocked on the window making it row down revealing the driver "yes Mrs. Hamilton?"

"Take me the closest apartment complex I think we're going to be staying here awhile" Lauren raises her eyebrows "wait what?"

"You said you're going to help me find myself so why not find it here? This city is way smaller but yet so different from LA. It's different from my lifestyle and maybe a little change is all I need"

The brunette cringes "when I said I'd help you I didn't mean down here....i meant in the private jet back home" she nervously chuckles. "Down here's great" she huffs rolling her eyes.

"Whatever you want"


"I hate this apartment, why can't we just get a house or stay in a hotel, 5 star hotel?" She looks around the living room of the apartment that I just rented. We had to pay with cash and I mean a lot of it to get the apartment in the same day. But I'm sure it'll be worth it.

"I think it's roomy" she cringes "you think? I didn't think rooms could be this small" I rolled my eyes at the girl, my phone rings I looked at it to see it was my dad.

"Hi daddy"

"Hey baby girl....I heard from Pete that you'll be staying down in (y/home/town)? Is everything ok?" I nodded looking down at his face. "Everything is ok I decided to stay down here for bit and find myself, I really like it down here"

I looked up once I heard a crash a shelf that was on the wall fell as soon as Lauren touched it. She gives me a look of disbelief.

"Oh really? Is there something I can do? Do you need and send some money down or?" I shook my head " No daddy I think we're good" he nods "ok well call if you need anything ok?"

"Of course bye now"

I end the call and looked around the room "we need furniture"

"No shit" I glared at the girl who looked at the living room in disgust.


It was around 11 at night. Lauren was sleeping on the floor with me. I turned on my side grabbing my phone that was on the charger.

I went to the number that I saved as Y/n.

Normani: Hey it's me Normani the girl you met at the Gym and café

At first I thought she wasn't going to answer because of how late it was but to my surprise a texting bubble pop up with the 3 dots.

I bite my lip staring down at the screen.

You: Howdy Partner 🤠

I thought for a second what I should text before moving my thumb across the screen.

Normani: I meant to text earlier but somethings came in the way.

You: You're a busy girl no worries

Normani: I am

Normani: I'm not

You: which one are you lol?

Normani: I'm not as busy as it might seems I'm going to be in town for a couple of weeks do you maybe want to hang out tomorrow?

I waited a bit staring at the screen but after 10 minutes went by I sighed. Great I scared her off.

It's not like I want to be in a relationship but I'd like to to make friend she seems cool.

I placed my phone down and laid back down, only to sit up again once my phone dinged.

You: Sure

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