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"Alright bitch this is the last time I'm sleeping with you!" My eyes open as my best friend shoves me getting out the bed. "What?"

"YOUR DICK WAS ON MY ASS, I DON'T KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DREAMING ABOUT BUT YOU DON'T NEED TO DO IT WHILE I'M SLEEPING IN YOUR BED!" She yells grabbing her things "fuck sorry Ally" I quickly shot up running into the bathroom.

I cursed under my breath feeling embarrassed and disgusted for the millionth time of my life. I have to go through this each night, and every morning, and I'm sick of it.

All I want to do is be a normal girl, I have the upper body a girl, but I have a lower body of a man. My parents didn't want to do any surgeries until I was old enough to know what I wanted to be.

And now I know, but after going bankrupt there's nothing I can do.

I decided to fix my problem along with taking a shower and get dressed, once I got done I walked down the hall and into the living room to see Ally who was mixing something in a bowl, and our other roommate Camila, who is doing her morning yoga.

"Good morning y/n Ally still making you hard" she chuckles getting into downward dog. I glared at her "shut up, Ally Doesn't get me hard"

"This is the tenth time I woke up to your dick on my ass, I know I'm hot y/n but damn" Ally flips her hair making me roll my eyes at her.

"Sorry again, but good thing your new bed is coming today"

"Thank God, I hate having sex on the couch, it sucks" Camila pauses the tv "YOU HAVE SEX WHERE?!"

"On the couch do you have a problem with that?!"

"Yes, I sometimes sleep there!"

"That sounds like a personal problem" Camila groans "god you're so disgusting" I chuckled at the two who started to bicker back and forth. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a granola bar.

I sat down on the stool and waited for the two to stop arguing. "You know what Camila at least I can keep a man!"

Camila gasps "I can keep one!"

"After you broke Shawn dick no guy wants to sleep with you, it's because your dick riding skills suck!" I snorted as Camila glared at me. "Ok, first of all, IT WAS AN ACCIDENT! Secondly, I get dick all the time....isn't that right y/n?" They both turned to me.

"Yeah...I can still hear your moans through the wall" Ally rolls her eyes. "Whatever"

"Are you guys done talking about dick?"

"Oh right, I totally forgot you're the lesbian, and a virgin....oh my little innocent baby" Camila pinches my cheek, I smacked it away.  "Stop it!" She laughs.

"I'm going to help you get laid ok?"

"I rather you not"

"You know there's a lot of girls who would like to fuck you...I heard Kayla is into you-"

"I'm not about to just have sex with someone, I want a relationship, I want to be loved" both of the girls cringe. "Relationships are for the lonely....and you my friend are not lonely, at least get your dick sucked!"


"Ok ok....we have $1,000 in the jar up there" she points to the jar sitting on the counter "$23,000 to go" I groaned "we'll never get to that"

"Don't lose hope.......one day we'll get all the money and Camila and I will be there with you when you get that surgery" Camila nods in agreement. I smiled at the two.

"Thank you guys"

"No problem...now who wants pancakes?!"


"Normani Hamilton owner of the Kordei make up line gets $100 million after divorcing pop star Dinah Jane Hansen yesterday making her youngest and first African-American woman Billionaire"

Camila rolls her eyes "what a fucking gold digger"

"Holy shit, now that's what we call Black Excellence" Ally says sipping on her drink.

"Wish I had money like that" Camila scoffs "She used her!"

"Mila you don't even know what happened in the relationship" Ally says "I know that Normani completely used Dinah for her money, I knew from the second when she basically threaten the relationship if she had to sign the prenup! Dinah should've seen it coming poor girl" I chuckled at the brunette who was getting heated over Celebrity drama once again.

"That's it I'm throwing away all the makeup...I can't even believe this"

"You already paid for the makeup, you throwing it away won't do anything" she groans "you're right, well this is the last time I buy anything from her"

"You just order some lip gloss from her 5 minutes ago" the brunette slumps on the couch. "I love how glossy it is....but that will be the last time....I'm a tweet Dinah and see if I can get her to notice me I bet she's vulnerable right now"

Camila stands up walking out the room typing on her phone, leaving me with Ally who pulls out a blunt. "Now that she's gone...want to smoke?"

"No thanks" she sucks her teeth. "Remind me why I'm friends with you? You are so boring"

"Smoking messy with the brain Ally....this is why you forget to do shit like the dishes" she rolls her eyes. "You're still boring" she gets up leaving me in the room by myself......

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