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"I don't know her best friend seems too problematic and I don't need any stress on my shoulders right now," I say grabbing my uniform Ally scoffs "y/n you're not trying to become friends with Lauren, you're trying to become friends with Normani"

"I'm not trying anything! I'm giving her a chance. Plus I don't need any more friends when I got you and Camila!" Ally gives me a blank stare. "One word for you. Surgery" I rolled my eyes not wanting to have this conversation.

"I can pay for my own surgery while working and being independent" she shrugs "I mean yeah if you want to wait a thousand years to get a pussy" 

"I rather not rely on someone else, you, Camila, and Shawn is already helping and that's all I need"

"If you say so! Hey, I'm about to go out, call me if you need anything ok?" I nodded, following her out my room. I put all my tips into the jar in the living room and went into the kitchen as Ally walked out of the house. I quickly made me a peanut butter jelly sandwich and then sat down on the couch cutting on the tv.

Normani Kordei was spotted last week with a mystery girl. Has Normani moved on from pop sensation Dinah Jane? We'll let you know after this break.

A Toyota commercial popped up but I quickly grabbed the remote and rewind it to see the picture which was indeed a picture of Normani and I. We were sitting at the dinner.


And just then my phone rings indicating me that I had a message.

Normani: Do you watch TMZ by any chance?

You: I just watched a little today...

Normani: Shit

Normani: I'll clear everything up I'm so sorry if you don't want to hang out with me after all of this I understand

I stared down at the message. She really seems like she wants to hang with me, while also respecting my wishes. Maybe she isn't trying to play me in a way.

You: Come over (your address)

Normani: Ok

I straighten up the house a little and after like 30 minutes Normani finally arrived. "Hey"

"Hi, Uh welcome to my home," I say letting her in" she looks around the room "it's very roomy in here"

"I guess I didn't do the decorating" I chuckled nervously as she sits down on the couch making herself comfortable.

"Do you want any water, soda, kool-aid wine?" She laughs "you got everything um I'll have some water...I also order pizza it'll be here soon"

"You didn't have too"

"I'm hungry so why not" I went into the kitchen and poured her some water and handing her the cup. "You didn't call me after I saw you at work, and you hardly text me I Uh just want to know if everything is alright between us"

"If everything wasn't fine you wouldn't be here right now" I chuckled "I'm sorry I've been busy I work 2 jobs and this is the first time I've been off since then"

"Oh ok, what's up with the jar?" She asks looking at the jar filled with money. "It's called the Goal jar, I'm trying to get a certain amount so I could do something with it"

"Like what?" I tried to think of something but nothing came to mind. "That's not important" She furrows her eyebrows as someone knocked on the door, "the pizza man is here!"

I walked to the door and open it, I grabbed the pizza from the man and thanked him before shutting the door. "Wait did you pay already?"


I sat pizza down on the coffee table and grabbed the remote to go on Netflix. "Where are your friends?" She asks "they went out, Ally in a relationship so she stays out and Camila is going for another dick appointment," I say "I'm guessing she has sex a lot?" I nodded "they both do"

"And you decided to just stay in? Do you have a boyfriend?" she trails off "or a girlfriend by any chance?" I shook my head. "No...do you?" My eyes widen "wait no don't answer that! I already know that answer" she laughed. We both calmed down, there's was a moment of comfortable silence"why aren't in a relationship if you don't mind me asking?"

"I just haven't found the right person yet, plus I'm not really that attractive to be in and out of a relationship"

"I think you're attractive!" She says quickly. "I mean not-not like that, you're really pretty I mean you're gorgeous but um-" she stutters as I laughed at her. "Thank you I think you're really attractive as well...what do you want to watch?" I ask as I bite into the pepperoni pizza.

"Let's watch the conjuring"

"But I hate scary movies" I whined "it's not even that scary! I promise to come on let's watch it" she grabs the remote and clicks on the movie. She then gets up and cuts off the lights. "Hold on this is actually a couch bed" I chuckled "Wait really?" I nodded as I removed the pillows and pulled it out. "Oooo fancy!"

"It's usually for our guest who stays here sometimes" the sheets were already on the bed. I quickly ran upstairs and grabbed my soft blanket. I got back into the bed and she cuts off the lights. I grabbed another slice of pizza.

When she sat down again I quickly scooted closer to her. She throws her arm over my shoulder. I slowly leaned into her and rested my head on her shoulder while enjoying the pizza in my hands.


After like 3 movies and a bunch of snacks I guess we had both fell asleep. I woke up feeling uncomfortable, I hissed in pain. My eyes snapped open. We were laying in the bed she was in front of me. Her ass was right there in my crouch. I hissed as she moved again.

"Can you move the remote?" I heard her mumble. I quickly but slowly got out of bed. "Where are you going?"

"To the bathroom" I ran to my room shutting the door and locking it. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck"

I always tried to avoid this, never had I did it because I wanted too.

Dropping my shorts down I looked at the ceiling cursing under my breath.......

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