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"Y/n?" I hummed patting the spot next to me becoming disappointed by not feeling someone. "Normani here and she's refusing to go" I heard Ally say which made me open my eyes "she's what?"

"She been out here for half an hour and is refusing to leave, make her go before I call the police" I groaned I wanted to say 'just call the police' but Normani doesn't deserve that. I stood up and walked down the hall to see Camila standing near the door. "Handle your bitch Y/n" I rolled my eyes opening the door revealing Normani, her eyes brighten once she saw me. "Baby"

"Don't call me that"

"Look I know you're mad at me but I'm here to talk you, yesterday was pretty hectic-"

"You need to leave" I went to shut the door but she stopped it by pushing the door open. "Normani"

"Please let's talk...I'm sorry ok I completely overreacted yesterday, you don't own me anything I just want you in my life" I frowned "you crossed way to many lines yesterday"

"I can make it up to you"

"I don't want any of your gifts...just go home-"

"I made you an appointment with Doctor Allen he can perform your surgery"

"I don't need you to help me I can do this myself"

"Stop saying no to me and let me Love You" she growls which made me uncomfortable "if you don't leave I'm calling the police" she chuckles before stepping away from me. She clenches her jaw mumbling something under her breath. "Mani...leave"

"I might have let Dinah get away from me" she brings up her ex for the second time since we met. "But I'm not letting you go" she points a finger at me. "you can be in denial all you want but you know I'm the one for you, and I'm not stopping until I get what I want" she says walking away from me. I quickly got inside locking the door. "I'm not the smartest person in the world y/n, but you need to file an restraining order....she seems dangerous" Camila says. I looked over at Ally who was looking out the window. "I agree with Camila, she's crazy"


I bite my lip and typed in the name on my laptop on Twitter.


I clicked on the account to see the girl that used to be married to Normani. I scrolled through her page, I learned that she was still single, and was still a bit wealthy even though Normani took half of her money. I clicked on our messages, never noticed she messages me

dinahjane97: Hey, we need to talk

2 months ago

dinahjane97: you need to get away from Normani she's not the nice girl she's showing you,

dinahjane97: She will hurt you


You: wish I would have seen this 2 months ago

You: what do I need to know?

30 minutes past, and then an hour, which led to 3 hours. I took that time doing my basic routine, and just as I was getting out of the shower she messaged me. I heard a knock on my door. "I'm naked!" Camila pops her head in "that meant not to come in" I rolled my eyes "I just wanted to make sure you were still alive in here" I smiled at her "I'm fine, stop worrying"
She frowns "this is my fault" she says stepping fully in. "If I didn't give her your number you wouldn't be going through this...I'm sorry y/n" she says with a serious face. "None of this is your fault Mila, Normani will eventually get bored and leave me alone, if anything this is my fault for not following my gut, don't blame yourself okay" She nods "okay"

"I'm guessing you're about to go?" I asked looking down at my laptop. "Yeah, I can stay here if you want"

"Can handle Normani if she come back, go ahead" I say looking back up at her "okay, I'll see you later" she walks out the room. I clicked on Dinah's message.

dinahjane97: Normani isn't like any other girl, she's not just an average crazy person. Once you guys get into a relationship, or even come close to one she'll have it in her mind that she owns you

dinahjane97: please get away from her, you guys been talking for months now, if she's been in your house. If she stayed there for a night then you need to know that there are cameras everywhere. She's watching you right now

The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I looked around the room, definitely in the corners of my room.

dinahjane97: you won't find them easily don't even try, once she finds out you know she could attack

You: how did you find out?

dinahjane97: I found out back in high school

You: why didn't you break up with her

dinahjane97: Bc she's the one in charge

You: what else do I need to know?

dinahjane97: she's not 23 no where close to it...everything she has told you is a lie

You: how old is she really?

dinahjane97: 33

My eyes widen in fear as I tried to compose myself.

You: what do I do?

dinahjane97: if you get an restraining order she'll get mad and even though it feels like a smart thing to do, I promise you she'll break it. I got one on her after I graduated high school, but that didn't stop her from visiting me, and sending me gifts. I blocked her number, changed my number, and moved and somehow she found me. She threatened me and I was too scared to say no and ended up marrying her and staying with her for years.

dinahjane97: the only reason why I dated her was because she offered to fix my problem

You: what problem?

dinahjane97: let's just say a genetic problem

You: ok

You: so I should move away or?

dinahjane97: if you do leave your phone because that's how she tracks you

dinahjane97: don't bring any electronics and always remember she's one step ahead of you

You: do you think she knows I'm talking to you

dinahjane97: we're still talking so I doubt it

dinahjane97: be safe y/n she's dangerous if you need anything I'm here

You: wait

dinahjane97: yeah?

You: where do I go?

dinahjane97: I have a condo in North Carolina you can stay there

You: really?

dinahjane97: yeah

dinahjane97: take a picture, or screenshot of the address and then afterwards delete theses messages I have to go.

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