Chapter Four

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     Somehow, we made it to the restaurant just in time.

     Everything was going as planned. We had just ordered, and after dinner I was going to take him around Barcelona.

     I probably wouldn't be the best tour guide, but I was hoping I at least wouldn't get lost this time.

     "So," Benji started, "I've been thinking about how we talked about moving in together... I mean, we've both graduated, so what are we waiting for?"

     "You know if I could move in with you right now I would, but we haven't even talked about what city we would move to."

     "I was thinking Madrid? I mean, I know I already live there but I want to be near my family-"

     I cut him off. I know I shouldn't have, but I wasn't really thinking about it.

     "And you think I don't want to be near my family?"

     "Well, I-"

     "Look," I took a breath before continuing, knowing I tended to jump to conclusions and overreact about things. "we can talk about this later, I want to have a nice night with you."

     I took his hands and he nodded.

     "Plus," I added, "I'll be visiting you next month. You can take me around Madrid and we can decide which city we prefer. Or, we can choose somewhere in between."

     "You're right," he replied, just as the server came to the table with our food. "Now let's eat."


     After eating and walking around town for a couple hours, we were finally about to go home.

     I had my head on Benji's shoulder and was holding his hand as we walked. I was happier than I had been in a long time- there was nothing that could make me any less happy.

     Thats what I had thought until a man in a black car drove by through a puddle, drenching us.

     "Fucking fags!" He yelled as he drove by.

     I jumped as clung more to Benji. Benji started to walk towards the car, which was now driving away, while I tried to hold him back.

     "Benji, no, you'll make him angrier." I knew Benji wanted to defend us, but I was already scared.

     I had heard so many stories about lgbt people getting beaten and killed. Yes, I knew there were still a lot of homophobes in the world, but theres nothing we can do about that. They refuse to change their small minded views. They use religion to justify hate.

     However, the amount of those people that would act on that hate is considerably smaller- or, I hoped so, at least, for me and Benji's sake right now.

     "Jey, he can't just do that!"

     "He just did."

     "Damn it, Jorge," Benji said, running a hand through his hair. "I just want to protect you. I refuse to let anyone hurt you."

     "You're amazing, you know that? But, someone like that won't hurt me. As long as I have you, I'm the happiest I'll ever be."

     "I feel the same. I love you so much."

     "I love you too. Now I'm all wet though, and someone's gonna need to help me out of these clothes." I looked at Benji expectantly.

     He grinned. "I think I can help with that."


     This was kinda a bad chapter but the next one will be better, I promise. I hope.

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