Chapter Six

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I woke up to Benji blowing on my face, smiling down at me.

"Jey. Wake up."

He poked my nose.

"Wake up!"

I held in a smile and kept my eyes closed tight.

"Wake upppp!" He whined, still poking my face.

I still didn't budge.

"Wake up or i'll pour water over your head!"

"No you won't bitch," I said opening one eye, revealing Benji smiling down at me.

He kissed me. "Good, you finally woke up. I have five hours until I leave. Get the fuck out of bed."

"I'm going, I'm going." I sat up slowly, only to be blinded when Benji turned on the lights.

"Benji what the fuck?!" I shielded my eyes from the light and crawled back under the covers.

Just when I thought I was safe, Benji jumped on top of me, causing a yelp to escape my throat. What an asshole. A lovable one, but still an asshole.


"I'm serious. Get up." He pulled the covers off my head and put his arms under my back.

"Benji... what are you- ah! no! put me down now!"

Benji had picked me up and started carrying me to the bathroom with me on his shoulder.

I pounded on his back. "Benji! Put me down!"

"Hmm... lemme think about that- no."

He shut the door behind him after walking into the bathroom and sat me down on the counter.

"Now stay there," he commanded, going to turn on the shower.

"You know I can do this myself. I'm not asleep anymore," I said. "See?" I widened my eyes to show Benji that I was, in fact, awake, with my eyes open. "Wide awake. I haven't even fallen off the counter top yet, so that should really show you I'm awake."

"Yes, I can see that. But I like taking care of you." He smiled.

"Awe. How sweet. Now get out, I need to shower."

"Wow," he said, holding his hand over his heart as if I hurt him. "No reward for the hard work I did carrying you in here?" He walked over and stood between my legs.

I booped his nose. "Nope," I replied, popping the p. "You already showered. I think two showers in one morning is a bit much."

"Yeah," he said, pretending to think. "But I'm pretty sure I broke a sweat carrying you in here. You're not the lightest."

I opened my mouth in shock and I punched his arm. "Hey!"

He chuckled. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding. You're perfect."

"Aww." I pecked him on the lips. "Now leave, I need to shower."

"Come onnn let me get in with you. It's my last day!" he begged one last time.

"Nope. No time for distractions."

"Oh so i'm a distraction now?" He grinned, so I knew he was joking.

I rolled my eyes and pushed him toward the door. "Out. I'll be quick."



I walked out of the bathroom and leaned against the doorframe, watching Benji as he texted on his phone.

"Who are you texting?" I asked him.

He looked up at me, finally acknowledging my presence. He looked down at his phone awkwardly before shutting it off at putting it in his pocket.

"Oh, you know, no one important. It's just my mom." He said, a slight blush creeping up his cheeks.

I crossed my arms skeptically. "Oh, so your mom makes you blush now?"

"Wha- no, Jey-"

"So if your mom isn't making you blush then who is?" I tried to hold in my anger and jealousy, but he wasn't making it easy for me.

"It's just- It was my mom... we were just talking about you. So I was blushing." He rubbed the back of his neck.

I rolled my eyes. "Am I supposed to believe that, Benji?"

"Well it's the truth, so yeah. You are." He crossed his arms over his chest.

"Whatever." I walked out of the doorway and went to grab a change of clothes from my dresser.

"Look, Jorge, it's my last day. Can we please not fight? I love you." He walked over to me and put a hand on my shoulder.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever." I finished grabbing my clothes and stormed off to the bathroom.

I guess i'd have to make the most out of the next four hours. Yay.


So apparently my friend doesn't get in town until tmrw, so here's a 3 AM update with a shit ton of dialogue which I usually don't do. I hope you enjoy :)

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