Chapter Twelve

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I grit my teeth, trying my hardest not to roll my eyes.

I'm almost tempted not to open the letter. Why should I? He might be my Alpha, and now my boss, but I could simply claim's that I never received the letter in the first place...I just don't understand what everyone's obsessions with writing me letters is recently. Cian, and now Noah?

Despite my current feelings on the matter, my curiosity overpowers my stubbornness quite easily, and I tear open the envelope, not bothered about preserving its stunning outer appearance.

Dear Abella,

I want to personally thank you for taking this job, and moving into the accommodation I offered you. I know it was short notice, and I know you didn't have the best beginning here, but I'm still glad you have joined the team.

As you know, your job is very important. I would like to ask, without your supervisor Heather knowing (if you don't mind being discreet) to destroy any mail from a particular address. Burning would suffice.

My eyes widen, as I check the address he has attached. It's from my town, but not nowhere close to my old apartment. I'm not sure who is from there, but Noah fails to mention.

Thank you again, Abella. I hope I get to know you better while you work here.

Kindest regards, Noah.

Sighing deeply, I shove the note into my back pocket. I'm assuming I will need to keep this on hand for when I get back to working tomorrow. Burning mail seems ominous, but I have to remember that Alpha's are involved in dirty business, which is none of mine. Despite how curious I am...

You know what...No, I don't need to have this letter on me. I'll remember this address, then get rid of any trace of Noah from this room. Even if he happens to own this entire building. But that's beside the point.

After tracing the address down onto a separate piece of paper, I decide to walk the note down to throw it into the fireplace I saw on the way up here.

Maybe that would be significant in some way...

As I walk downstairs, toward the living area that had been abandoned when I had come up here, I hear the sound of chatter. Maybe getting this note into the fire will be harder than I thought. And here I was thinking everyone would have gone to bed by now, since darkness has fallen and I'm assuming everyone has work tomorrow.

When I peer around the side of the door, looking into the living area, I see a group of girls, all congregated around the couch, talking about something I can't quite see. They seem excited, nudging each other, blushing and giggling.

My blood goes cold. I know who the culprit is. It's Cian.

Sure enough, when I glance between the hoard of girls, I see him there, lounging casually against the couch, looking up at the girls who gush over him. That smile on his face makes my stomach turn.

Suddenly, a girl bumps me from behind. Before she has a chance to enter the room, I grab her arm, pulling her to focus on me.

"Do you know that guy?" I question.

She looks at me, eyes glazed, mouth partially opened. "Of course. That's my friend Cian. I let him in because he's my friend. It seems he's made great friends with a lot of the girls here too, which is great. It means they will want to invite him over too, which is exactly what he wants. Or at least, that's what he says will make him happy."

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