Chapter Forty Four

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Word Count: 1719


For a moment, we just stare at each other silently.

"How did you do this?" he questions slowly, looking over me and the damage I've caused. I struggle to not feel bad about this, even though I shouldn't. The awakening of these powers came from anger, caused by Cian thinking it's okay to keep me here, away from Noah just because I didn't choose him to ultimately be my only mate.

"Take me back now," I demand. There's a fire in my tone, even though we both know that I wouldn't use any new found power on Cian, even if he still kept me here. I'm not even sure I'll be able to muster it back again.

"Okay," he says slowly, taking a few tentative steps toward me, reaching out for me. I take his hand, feeling the subtle sparks that spread across my skin. I doubt I will be feeling that soon with him.

The world disappears around me, before my feet touch ground again, and I'm suddenly standing before Noah's manor, between the pillars and crystal pools that frame it. Whirling around to face Cian, I pull away, trying to put some distance between each other; both because I fear what I could do to him, and also the idea of him trying to take me right back again.

"I'm so sorry I destroyed everything," I say immediately,

"I don't care about that place," he tells me anxiously, hands delving into his hair, revealing the golden roots which reflect brilliant colours in the sun."I care about you."

"I don't know what happened, I just got angry," I exclaim, trying to make sense of everything in my mind. It happened so fast, and it didn't feel as though I could completely control it. "Stace said I had powers...I just didn't know it would be anything like that."

Cian's expression is immediate disgust at the utterance of the man's name, as if speaking it summons Demon's just like him. "Stace just got into your head, Abella. Don't let his words try to convince you that you actually have powers."

For a moment I'm startled. Why would he say that? Of course I have powers, him and I witnessed it ourselves. It's not as if it would be possible for me to summon that much fire without a magical ability being involved. Cian is so sure Stace is the purest of evil that regardless of what I say, nothing Stace tells me will be true.

"What do you mean, I caught your entire apartment on fire!" I exclaim angrily, frustrated that he isn't believing me after what I just did. Right now I'm confused, wanting answers I don't have, and instead I'm here, arguing with

"What's going on?"

Cian and I both turn around at the same time to see Noah approaching. With evening setting in, the sunset hues of tangerine and violet reflect of his dark clothing and dark hair, the shadows framing the contours of his face which are twisted into a frown. I probably look crazy, with slightly singed cuffs of my sleeves, the rest of my clothing dusty with ash.

"Abella and I just came back from talking about how she chose you over me," Cian says, his faux amused tone tinted with anger and resentment as he looks Noah over carefully. Noah doesn't even flinch, although his expression does soften.

"I'm sorry, Cian."

"Don't act like we didn't know this would happen since the beginning," Cian says with a shrug. He may be trying to appear as though this doesn't affect him, but I see right through it.

"I suppose the next step is to see a Gaze Reader, right?" Noah exclaims, clasping his hands together. Immediately upon arrival Noah wants to do this. I can't blame him for wanting it to be over with, but I thought we may have at least waited until tomorrow. Secretly I'm glad, after the way Cian left me in that room with no intention to bring me back without incentive.

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