Chapter Twenty Seven

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Word Count: 2230


This is it. This is when he finally realises what a freak I am.

"It's not what it looks like," I exclaim immediately. I don't even care that I'm undressed and still bleeding from my cut toe. Avoiding the purple swirling around in the water, I step out of the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. This should have never happened. Cian doesn't need to know about this. He doesn't need to have his hands in any more secrets of mine.

"You're acting like it's nothing," I say, following he out of the shower, his clothes still dripping wet. I glare at him, wishing he would just drop it.

"It's a sickness I had, even when I was mortal," I tell him. I now realise that this problem didn't go away, meaning that whatever sickness I do have still plagues me, and I have no hope of getting rid of it. I hated having to hide it back then. Nothing has changed. "Don't worry about it."

Cian stares at me, dumbfounded.

I'm not surprised he's so shocked. Seeing someone bleed a colour other than red isn't an everyday occurrence, but he's an immortal; surely, he's seen crazier ailments in his life. Or maybe it's because I'm his mate, and he's doing this out of fear that what I have is going to kill me. Too bad I've lived with this my entire life, and I've never noticed anything happen to me in regard to the colour of my blood.

"Do you other ways that colour?" He asks warily. When I glance at him, towelling myself off, I notice the slightest tint of colour in his cheeks, making me smile. Despite everything - especially the fact that I'm naked - I can still find it in myself to smile at his show of rare emotion.

I walk out of the bathroom into my bedroom, followed closely by Cian. "You mean my period? Yes Cian, it's always been this violet colour."

Ignoring the throwing up of his hands, I dig around in my dresser for clean clothes. Thankfully Cian allows me to dress without too much protest. The fact that my toe has stopped bleeding is another mercy.

He grabs my arm. "You know this isn't normal, right?"

"Yes, I'm aware. I hid it my whole life, but I've never had any other symptoms. Just ignore it," I tell him promptly. He sighs, exasperated. I'm not sure what he expects me to do. Ever since I was young my mother told me never to tell anyone about this sickness, and that she had it too. As long as I remained quiet about it, it wouldn't get worse. That meant not even seeing a doctor.

"We need to see someone. Seriously," Cian says, not yet having stopped holding my arm. I tug away from him, pulling shoes on. Believe it or not, I don't have time to argue with him about the colour of my mind.

"Cian, I was planning on delivering the last piece of mail I was meant to sort through for Noah's assistant, and I'm probably late," I tell him. The sun has completely set outside the housing area, the walk slightly perilous and unlit once night falls. Gia will have most likely gone home, which will mean I'll have to walk right in and leave her on her desk.


"Go home," I tell him, collecting what I need from my desk. I feel bad for abandoning him, but I can't tell him I can't see a doctor. That is only going to make him more adamant that this is a serious infliction that would need a magical cure. "We'll talk about this later."

Cian doesn't protest, as I shove the letter into my back pocket, walking out the door. I expected him to follow me, to continue harassing me until I agree.

Instead, I find myself walking from the staff compound to Noah's manor on my own, keeping under the minimal path of light from lamps above me, which lead me safely away. Yet still, I can't shake a feeling of uneasiness. Maybe it's from the pit in my stomach, knowing Cian now knows my secret.

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