Chapter Seventeen

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Word Count: 1679


I'm not sure why I'm so nervous.

The note is clutched in my hand, in case this is a sick ruse put together by the girls in the house. How embarrassing it would be to come here, and assume Noah wants to speak to me, but it was put together to make fun of me. At least with this note, I have an excuse if it doesn't come together.

Maybe it's just me doubting why he wants to see me again. I hardly remember our conversation from that one night I found him burning all those letters. Everything after our first introduction feels like a blur, and as much as I try bring it back, nothing comes to me.

As I approach the back of Noah's estate, just like he requested me to do, I shiver. Morning dew is settled over everything, only adding to the cool chill. Morning has only just awoken, and tiredness still haunts my eyes.

Apparently Noah finds morning the best time to observe his garden.

I didn't even know he had a garden.

He's not there when I find myself at his back door. I assumed he would have more important Alpha work to do, which means this meeting must mean I'm either fired, or getting a promotion. Either way, I'm nervous. The last thing I need to add to all this drama with Cian is getting fired.

The door closing behind me makes me jump. Whirling around, I see Noah, hands shoved in his pant pockets, smiling at me. There is something so innocent about his smile. Unlike Cian, there is nothing malicious behind it; I know Noah would go behind my back to trick me. I'm not sure how I managed to get mated to Cian, but I suppose there's no point getting mad over it right now.

"Good morning Alpha," I say, forcing some semblance of cheer into my tone. He's allowing me to get off my morning shift for this meeting, and I won't be ungrateful.

"I'm glad you decided to come."

Something about his tone suggests he didn't think I would show up. Fascinating, since he's my boss, and when he wants to see me, I go right to him. Even if I didn't want to. If only he knew I'm mates to an immortal. I can't help but wonder what he would think of me, or if he would trust me as much. I wouldn't if he was mated to a Sin...

Noah motions for me to follow him across the lawn, toward a line of trees on the edge of the property. He looks nice today, which is a vixen thought that crosses my mind, quickly followed by guilt. I shouldn't be thinking like this when I have a mate.

Today, the Alpha is dressed perfectly for a wander around a garden. He wears a simple silken shirt that's a dark green colour, blending beautifully with the colour of his eyes, and that dark unruly hair he never bothers to maintain, yet it looks so perfect each time I see him.

"Is there any particular reason why you wanted me to come here today?" I ask him, not wanting to beat around the bush any longer.

"You seem like the kind of girl who likes pretty gardens," he replies.

Eyeing him suspiciously, I don't answer him. He's lead me through the trees, toward a iron fence overgrown with vines and brush. A flutter of fear consumes me for a small moment, as I consider the idea of him luring me out here for ulterior motives. I'm unsure of what I did to upset and Alpha, but he would get away with it regardless.

"No really. I've haven't even been here for more than a week," I muse, as he fiddles with the latch on a tall gate. "Why bring me out here over one of your other employees, or your assistant."

I vaguely remember him telling me he isn't in a relationship with his assistant, like everyone assumes. Pushing that thought out of my head, I follow him into the garden.

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