Chapter Twenty Eight

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Word Count: 1932


A million thoughts go through my head at once.

My first instinct is to jump to his defense and let him know that I suffer from the same problem...Maybe he knows something I don't and he can help me get better, or at least explain to me what is going on. But the moment I allow my mind to wonder to that weak place, I immediately reprimand myself. After all the advice my mother told me about keeping what I know a secret, I can't just let that all go now.

I like Noah, and I trust him...enough. But this I'll have to approach with caution. Maybe I'll see if he will first admit what is wrong with him before I'm honest with him that I share the same problem, or disease, or whatever this is.

"Noah...Your blood is purple," I say, my voice shuddering, and not because I'm acting. Seeing someone with blood like my own is jarring. Especially since I've spent my entire life thinking I'm the only one.

He turns to look at me, eyes wide, mortified.

"Please don't freak out," he says, the blood running down the hand which he holds up defensively. I've never seen someone so panicked, which is so unlike an Alpha. It makes sense, since I know how I felt when Cian saw my blood for the first time.

"Why? Why is your blood purple?" I ask him, hoping he will admit something, anything. I'm relying on him not only telling me what is wrong with him, but also what is wrong with me. However, my desperation is backing him into a corner, making him feel bad about an infliction which he doesn't know is the same as mine. "You have to give me answers."

"I don't want to scare you," he says uneasily, backing up another few steps, forcing me to stand and face him. "You'll run away if you find out."

Find out.

Even those few words send chills across my skin. Find out what? That means he knows the answer to his condition...and maybe I'll know too. Is it a disease, or is it a special kind of immortal thing I had, even when I was mortal? Or maybe I'm related to an Alpha line of family. Okay, now I'm just letting my mind wander to think this is a good thing.

I'm almost too desperate as I question him. "What is it? Please tell me."

"I'm not who you think I am," he says, the pained look in his eyes pulling at my heart. This is horrible of me...I should just tell him, right? "What you think I am."

"And what is that," I ask him, approaching him with slow, cautious steps. Finally, he doesn't back away from me, but I can still see the wariness in his eyes, as he struggles to trust me. "You can tell me, we are friends. You know I won't judge you. Trust me."

He blinks, once, twice. Both our gazes meet the slow drip of each drop of blood falling from the cut on his hand to the carpet at his feet, staining the off-white carpet violet. Thankfully, my paper cut from earlier has since dried up, but I'm ready to show it to him the moment I feel safe enough. I'm not sure why I'm putting it off so much...maybe I'm scared of his reaction, or for all my secrets to be exposed.

"You're the one person who I do trust. But I care enough about you to not tell you," Noah says honestly, his voice turning hoarse. My heart jumps into my throat.

I should just tell him.

"Noah, you shouldn't be worried about telling me. Because I think we have more in common than you think," I tell him. I watch his face contort in confusion, as he tries to piece together what I'm saying, and completely fails.

The moment I go to open my mouth to admit to him, finally, after all my apprehension, the windows around me shatter in an explosion of glass shards and loud noises. Immediately, I drop to the ground, a flash of white striking my vision, the ears immediately ringing from the explosion. Maybe I'm screaming, I can't tell. All I know, is I'm hunched on the floor, fear streaking through me.

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