Chapter Twenty Two

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Word Count: 1789


I should have known he was going to take me here.

When I told him I wanted him to take me elsewhere, I didn't expect him to arrive in a flurry of colour and cloth before whizzing me off the immortal realm. We arrived in the same small apartment I remember from the time he broke the news to me. We don't stay for long though, as he takes me out onto the streets. According to him, this is his territory, which is just a city drenched in lights.

"Where are you taking me?" I question, wrapping my coat around me tightly. The wind here is bitter, but the sights, at least, are a good distraction. Cian has his arm tightly pressed around my waist, keeping me to his side as we walk down a main street, brushing past people.

As we walk, people whisper, point and stare. Cian is surely a legend here, as the leader of this territory. Thankfully, no one approaches us. I don't think I'm in the mood to witness girls falling all over him.

Just thinking that makes me feel bad. Look what you've done with Noah.

"Telling you would ruin all the fun," Cian murmurs, looking down to grin at me. Red and purple flashing lights from a nearby club reflect off his dark strands, making the gold close to his head turn another colour completely. He looks magical, otherworldly. I'll never get used to the way he looks, and it's not just his obvious features. Even the angular nature of his face his fascinating.

"Seriously Cian, I'm trying to trust you, but I didn't have the immortal realm in mind," I tell him, motioning around to all that happens around us.

This place is insane.

The music is unfamiliar, the people walking around with an air of confidence that you would never see back in the mortal realm. Their lifespan is marginally longer than a mortal. It's not forever, but by the time their souls are finally released, they have lived a life with no fear of sickness of anything.

"You want me to take your mind off something, right?" he questions, raising a dark eyebrow at me. I swallow uncomfortably. Am I always so obvious with the way I feel? At least he hasn't tug in to find out what it is. For once Cian is being perceptive. "I'm just assuming. Otherwise why else would you be so willing to be here."

I sigh. "Fine. A surprise it is."

"Perfect. You know just what I like."

We didn't have to walk so far for his plan to be revealed. We approach a line to talking people standing outside of a club, where low bass music arises, tempting to put my hands over my ears. Cian leads me right inside, regardless of the line, and into a mass of sweating, drunk people. Being thrown into this is immediately daunting.

I keep my eyes trained on Cian, not letting him out of my sight, despite his hand wrapped tightly around mine. I'm cursing him in my head, wondering why he would take me here. I need to have a serious talk to him about being mates, which is what I thought he wanted. This is not the most secluded place...

"What is this place?" I question, battling through limbs until we make it to a bar. Cian and I sit down on stools, which is a relief. At least we are kind of separate from the mess of dancing bodies.

"it's a party," Cian grins. "What, never been to a party?"

"This isn't really my idea of a good time. Can we go somewhere private and talk for a bit?" I ask, rubbing the back of my neck. I feel foolish, sitting here in a room full of attractive, half-naked people. This isn't my scene. Cian fits in here so well, like he was born for this lavish lifestyle. I suppose as Greed, he really is. Or this is what he's made his life to be.

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