Chapter Thirty Eight

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Word Count: 1624


I see him sitting under a tree, back to me.

As I approach, I can feel his strength, his power, and something else completely. I feel much better now, having recovered from my fainting spell. Yet I still feel light headed, at the thought of talking to him, of being near him. Noah doesn't know I came out here, as I asked for time alone. I have no idea where Cian is, either.

I have to face him. I have to be alone with him, make sense of my situation. But as I walk closer, knowing he has already sensed me, I feel fear drape over me. This man is more powerful than my comprehension, and yet I want to speak to him, to understand where he is coming from.

Stace doesn't even turn around, sitting at the edge of Noah's property on a small bench. It seems like such a mortal action for a King.

If he is to be believed.

Wordlessly, I sit next to him, drinking in the sunset he admires alongside me. I often forget how beautiful my Pack is. Brilliant emerald green meadows are doused with crimson and apricot colours, the sun bleeding the last of its warmth upon the world before it sinks below the surface. I glance toward Stace, the colours reflecting upon ebony eyes.

"You have a lot to think about," he murmurs, the foregin lilt of his tone dancing across my skin, making me shiver. It's not only his voice that makes me wonder what it's like where he is from. Where I'm from. Those tattoos, creeping up his neck like possessed tendrils stop short at his jawline, leaving his face clear, effortlessly flawless.

"That's an understatement," I mutter my reply, leaning back into the hard wood of the bench, wishing once again, that my life is simpler than it actually is.

I miss Sam. I miss my apartment. But maybe, if I let myself think it, I would miss Cian and Noah more.

"If I have powers, what are they?" I ask lightly, curious, but also apprehensive. If I know, then I will expect it of myself, to be able to harness these fabled powers. Yet I've never felt any different to my mortal, and immortal friends. Noah was the first person who I noticed to be doused in mystery, like he was hiding something from me.

"I don't know yet. Where we are from, some people don't realise they even have powers until they are much older than you are now," Stace tells me uneasily, expecting me to be disappointed, but a tight tension that had wrapped itself through my ribs finally releases.

"How do you know then? That I'm special, or however you say it."

"It's apart of my magic. I can determine when other people have powers of their own, whether they have discovered it or not. That's why I'm so valuable as the King," he explains, with a hint of solemn that suggests it hasn't been his favourite experience.

I shiver. This magic I've never heard of existing. Magic in this realm is reserved purely for pure-blood immortals, and no one else. For all I know, Stace could be saying this, with none of it being backed up thus far. Yet I believe him. Something about this just seems right, like answering as question I have been asking my entire life.

"If you have that ability, can't you see what powers I will possess?" I question, puzzled.

"It comes in increments, in dreams and hallucinations," he explains, looking over me with a gentle attentiveness, not tired of answering questions at all. "I sensed power here, in this realm. Having power is so rare, I knew I had to come collect you."

I fiddle with my next question in my head, deciding that despite my apprehension, I want to know. "Do you know what Noah is capable of?"

"His ability is complicated. Him and I have been working on controlling it, understanding it," he says absently. "He can sense things no one else can. Usually bad things, going on within his territory, his Pack. Even though he shouldn't be titled an Alpha, he's better than all Alpha's combined. No one can keep their Pack on such a tight leash as he can, and have it be as successful as it is. Everything here is in perfect harmony."

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