Chapter Forty Five

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Word Count: 1666


Noah and I sit in his room, having spent the last hour in silence, mulling over what has just happened.

"How are you feeling," Noah asks softly, making me peer up from where my head was in my hands. There is a hollow feeling in my stomach since Cian spontaneously left after the mate-bond was ended. For all I know, this could be the last time I see him. I have no idea what he is going to do from now on, whether he will go find someone else to ease the pain.

"More content than I thought I would," I reply. I'm not sure if content is the right word, but I know that I'm not going to worry as much as I would have thought. Maybe I will have thoughts about him every now and again, of course. "But still worried about Cian. About what he is going to do now."

Noah gets up from where he was sitting at the opposite wall. "You can keep contact with him, if you like. If that would make you feel better."

I know Noah would be okay with it, at the end of the day, if I did decide I wanted to keep in contact with Cian, but if we didn't remain here, living in this Pack, would he even want to? Cian hates what I am, so now there is no telling whether he will want to have anything to do with me now that the bond is gone.

"Maybe that wouldn't be a good idea. I don't want to hurt him anymore than I have," I say with a sigh, the bed sinking as he sits next to me.

When I look up into his emerald eyes, part of my worry melts away.

"It's completely up to you," Noah murmurs, resting his hand on my leg, trying to comfort me. I can't help but wonder whether he feels guilty, that I picked him over Cian. If he does, he doesn't show it. "And so is what happens from here."

I know exactly what he means by that without having to ask. "Do you want to go back with Stace...To the other realm?"

Saying to doesn't elicit as much fear as I would have assumed. Inside, I know it's my home, where I belong. When I was there it felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders that I didn't know I had. Maybe I would miss my life here, but I know I can create a new one there, and hopefully be able to return to this one when possible.

"I'm torn between wanting to be where we belong, where I can keep you safe, but this is my Pack, whether I deserve it or not," Noah explains, eyes vacant as he considers his words.

Of course. I sometimes forget that he is an Alpha.

"You do deserve it. I will stay with you no matter what decision you make," I tell him honestly. My reason for choosing Noah as my mate wasn't completely decided by the fact that we come from the same realm. It helped, in that he understood a deep, confusing part of me, however, I couldn't see myself paired with Cian for my entire life. So, I will stand by Noah no matter what decision he makes.

Noah looks down at me, a sense of warmth and comfort in his eyes that makes my skin tingle. "I'm so glad you chose me Abella. Who knew I could be so lucky."

I don't know how to form words to express how lucky I feel. This is right, I can tell. Noah is handsome, having a familiar beauty about him. I've grown up in this Pack knowing about him, seeing who he is on television and in the papers. Cian is stunning too, but in a foreign, very immortal way. Once fate rearranges Cian's path, he will find another mate who will surely enjoy him.

I rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm excited for the rest of our life together."

"Now that we have the rest of our lives together, what are we going to do," Noah asks, his words like but his tone darker, with far more weight to it. I turn my attention to him, focusing on those emerald eyes at the emotions they conceal beyond.

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