Chapter Forty Two

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Word Count: 1702

*Stace now has his own story on Radish now. (It will be on Wattpad in the coming weeks) If that interests you, feel free to to check it out, it's called Kissing Danger.*


Stace returned me back to the mortal realm the next day.

Noah came with, but agreed to stay in his manor while I went to meet Cian. Him and I agreed to meet at my old apartment, which seems oddly significant considering I first met him when I lived there. I'm about to tell him that I don't want to be mated to him anymore, and that I've chosen Noah. I'm not sure what his reaction is going to be, but knowing him, I doubt it will be very pleasant.

Pacing back and forth across my old apartments living room, I consider my next move, what words I'm going to say to him. He wouldn't try to hurt me, would he? I bleed the colour of a species he hates more than anything.

Now that he has no reason to protect me, he may just act out.

In a suddenly flicker of light followed by the softest mist tinted gold, Cian appears. My stomach hollows out, the sight of him consuming me with guilt. I'm standing before him, happy with Noah, knowing I'm about to break his heart and let him down.

"Abella...You're safe," he murmurs, stalking across the room to reach out to me. I let him wrap his arms around me, pulling me to his chest. Loosening a breath, I rest my head on him, breathing in the scent of him, his magic. Part of me wants to cry, to change my mind and put the decision off for longer, even if I know I can't.

"Of course I'm safe. Is everything okay?" I ask him softly, examining the frightened look on his face, as he searches mine back, looking for any sign of damage.

"You were missing for days. I was looking everywhere for you," he exclaims, only accelerating my guilt. I should have told him before I agreed to go with Stace. "His scent is all over you."

I wince. "Can I explain a few things?"

Cian nods, pressing his lips together. I can already predict what he is going to say, what he is thinking. I can't blame him for it, and just hearing it out of his mouth makes me infinitely more guilty for what happened only last night.

"You let him fuck you, didn't you?" he says harshly, making me flinch. I back up a few steps, sitting down on the old dusty couch that has been left behind. Cian doesn't join me, instead standing staunchly before me, something dark and sinister swirling around in his eyes that I can't blame him for. He has every right to be angry at me, to feel betrayed.

"Cian, let's not let it get to that. We didn't...confirm the mating bond, if that's what you mean," I breathe, not wanting to go into the dull details of last night with him.

"Then why do you smell like him?"he questions, looking me up and down as if that's going to give him the answer.

"I went to the Daemon realm with Stace. I needed to see where I came from, what my origin is. I don't regret any of it," I tell him firmly, in case he decides to reprimand me for my decision. He would have tried to convince me out of it, to say that Stace and Noah can't be trusted. All because of what we are, that he despises so deeply.

His brows raise. "And you didn't tell me?"

"It was in the moment that I decided," I admit. I don't mention to him that I wanted to get away in the first place to figure out for myself who I wanted as my mate. "And I knew you wouldn't want me to, considering how you feel about my kind."

Cian's face turns solemn, a shadow settling over him. "Has Noah or Stace told you about why all the pure-bloods want them gone, dead?"

"Remember that I'm one of them, before you say anything you'll regret," I warn him. What I've seen of the other realm from where I came from, it is one of the most beautiful places that exists. I may not have seen much, but it didn't seem like a place that any normal person would want to destroy. I'm not sure why immortals would find it helpful to not allow others who are not like them to live in this realm.

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