Chapter Forty

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Word Count: 1566


I wander from my bedroom at around mid-morning.

Last night's dream still lingers in my mind, clinging to my skin as if it can be seen by anyone I walk past. The maids who tended to my room, servants who pass by's as if they know that what I experienced last night was sinful. I know it's impossible for them to know the decision I have to face, with Noah and Cian, yet it still feelings like walking through here has me stripped bare to my soul.

Following the instructions of a note left on my bedside table this morning, I make my way into a dining area set up right at the balcony at the front of the manor. Stace is sitting there, lounging back in his chair, letting the warm glow of the sun bathe him in colours of white-good and butter.

"Good morning, sleep well?" He asks gently, as I come to sit opposite him at the small table. Under the glistening sunlight, he looks otherworldly, with his tattoos which I swear are always moving, ebony hair shading his forehead as dark eyes stare me down. His handsomeness is always striking, always taking me by surprise.

"Better than ever," I reply, hoping it's not obvious that I had a dream last night that has shaken me to my core. Stace seems none the wiser, swirling amber liquid around his tea cup idly.

"I want you to feel comfortable here. Like this could be your home," he explains, motioning around us. The scent of the sea lingers on the breeze, a pleasant addition to an incredible breakfast spread. Stace is really doing all he can to convince me of how wonderful this place is. He doesn't have to, though. I've felt more than comfortable the moment I arrived here.

I tilt my head back, catching the breeze in my hair, feeling it tousle it gently. "This place feels normal, like it's meant to be. Now I'm not even sure I want to go back."

"Don't feel like you have to. There is a space for you here as long as you please," he offers, his smile warm.

"It's a lot to think about."

"I'm hoping to make that choice easier for you," he says softly, tone lowering deeply. "I hope you don't hate me for inviting Noah here for the day."

I sit up, looking around for a sight of the Alpha, finding nothing. Placing my hand over my chest, I marvel at how quickly the thought of Noah accelerated my heart rate dramatically. It's because of the dream last night, I tell myself. I don't think I'll be able to see his lips again without thinking about kissing him that dream.

"Did you?"

"He's outside. I told him I wanted to ensure you were okay with this before I went through with it," Stace tells me. I blink, unsure of whether I'm excited or mortified with the idea of him being here.

Stace seems to read my mind, motioning to his right, where a door likely leads to more balconies that can't be seen from here. Getting up, I warily wander into another room, seeing the glass door to the balcony left wide open, curtains billowing gently in the breeze.

Sure enough, leaning against the railing of the balcony, is Noah, his back facing me. His skin practically glows golden under the warm sun, a soft shimmer coming off his ebony hair, which he brushes back casually.

"Noah...You're here," I breathe.

He turns around, emerald eyed finding, the verdant shade making me shiver as it reminds me of what I saw in my sleep just last night. He seems, that soft, gentle smile that I know he only gives me, and no one else. Because I'm his mate, and the way he feels about me is completely unique.

"I'm home. This is where we are both from," he says. Behind him, the ocean is tumultuous, tousled by the wind. With him in front of it, it looks truly right, and not out of place.

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