Chapter 1

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"I will not ask again, boy, will you join us!"

"You see that made no sense, you just said you won't ask me again, but you literally just asked me again." I smirked.

I had been cryogenically frozen by the court until they had the means to permernantly stop me from physically aging.

I was frozen at 19 for 7 years and now my age if I wasn't frozen would be 26.

A knife was slammed down into my shoulder, but I felt nothing.

Since I was kidnapped by he court I had been experimented on for years.

I now had more powers. I was better at fighting and I was even better looking than be before.

So far I couldn't feel physical pain, I had an even more advanced healing abilities, I didn't get tired during combat and if I wanted I could negate the need to sleep completely. And if someone did manage to kill me I'd come back from the dead almost instantly, I could feel when people die.

I was still human of course, just an unkillable one.

The talon sighed calling in some scientists.

"Inject him with The Cell regeneration ability." the talon ordered. I glared at him

"And start his third round of hypnotherapy." as the talon walked out I scoffed.


I was removed from my cell and taken into a hypnotherapy room.

I was forced down onto a chair and strapped to it.

"So, we're doing this again are we?"


"Oh come on!  I only asked a  question there's no need to be a bitch about things, and besides don't you think it's pointless? I've resisted this for years. It won't work on me."

"While you were on ice, a syrun of ours was affecting your dormant mind, you can't fight if you can't even wake yourself up to fight."

"Are you sure you want to give someone like me the power to grow back limbs?"

"Yes, you'll be useful to the court."

"How so?"

"We have two injections here, cell regeneration, and anti ageing, once you leave here in a few hours you won't age past 19, you'll be able to regrow limbs, even your head if it's chopped off since you can't die anymore."

"Good to know, and oh um this is  awkward but um, my foot is itchy."

"If I itch it for you will you shut up?"


The scientist guy had made one major mistake he hadn't tied my legs yet.
He took off my Renegade book and the talon dagger I'd acquired years ago slipped out onto the foor.

The guy held it in his hands confused until he realised my plan.

His eyes must've been so wide with shock as my legs wrapped around his neck, choking him.

The other scientist who had recovered from the shock stepped in injecting me with three elephant tranquilisers.

My grip on the guys neck became weaker and weaker until I became subdued and unable to move.

I wasn't sleeping I was still wide awake. The court had like I said enhanced my healing ability meaning it made me immune to all poisons and sededtives no longer knocked me out.

One wouldn't have had any effect one me, but three was too much at once for my healing abilities to handle at once. It'd take an hour or two to get me back to normal.

The hypnotherapy began and I was injected. I didn't feel any time pass at all I didn't feel the pain the injections used to cause my entire body all those years ago.

"What is your name?" they asked me at the end.

I looked at them blankly confused by such a stupid question.

"Roy Talod, I'm a Talon."

"who do you serve?"

"The court of owls."

I was led into a room, past the cells.
They told me I would be staying here.
I opened the room door and saw a bedroom, a bathroom and a kitchen.

It was a the size of small apartment only meant for one. An owl came into the apartment sized room and greeted me.

"Hello, Talon."

"Hello, sir."

"You will have a mission soon, for now get some rest."

"Yes sir." I nodded.

I was left alone after that.  I knew I was in Gotham I could see out of a small window.

I switched off the light and crawled into the single bed.

My dream was strange, I was in a place that seemed to resemble a millatary bunker.

The room I was in was a living room.
There was an older man wearing a  black t-shirt and jeans.

He had one eye and an eyepatch.

He noticed me and almost began to cry.

"Ryland?" he asked in disbelief.

I didn't know him. I was sure I didn't.

"I don't know anyone called Ryland, old man."

He tried again.

"Roy." the name sent tingles up my spine.

"How do you know me!"

"It's me, slade, your father!" he sounded desperate.

There was also a picture of a cat in the room which was strange. This Slade guy didn't strike me as a cat person.

He followed my gaze to the cat picture.

"You named him Wilson, son, He died a few years back I got you him for your 16th birthday!"

"I don't like cats, I like birds." I told him blandly.

"Baltimore oriole." I was stunned as he mentioned that animal.  "Your mother's favourite bird"

"How do you know that!" I growled.

"You told me yourself, you also told me she was blind."

His voice was muffled and I shot up awake.

I looked around until I spotted the person who had woke me.

"Sir." I greeted the Owl.

"You've been asleep for a few hours, I have mission for you."

He placed a folded gray and red Talon uniform ontontje edge of my bed along with a utility belt and some weapons.

I changed and looked at myself in the bathroom mirror.

My face was pale and my blue eyes had purple fading into them. I thought could also see golden specks.

But when I tried to get a closer look the purple and gold faded out leaving behind only my baby blues.

Huh, strange i thought to myself.

End of the first chapter of Renegades Sequal.

Just do you know this takes place before the nightfall protocol In arkham knight meaning batman is still alive.

Well not that he was dead after nightfall anyways...

Please comment and suggest what you'd like to see in this, because I don't really have that much of a full idea myself.

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