Chapter 6

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We all froze as the lights went out, out training taking effect, we did our best to scan the area searching for any danger.

Screams echoed throughout the place as i heard bodies fall to the floor.

I looked at the others, and we all nodded in agreement. As our civilian counterparts there was nothing we could do, as much as i wanted to fight as Rylabnd Wilson i wasnt much use. Killing was Renegade's job.

We had one option.

Dissapear into the shadows.

We moved silently being careful to avoid anything that resembled a Talon.

I heard dick grind his teeth as more screams filled our ears. Letting people just die was killing him inside.

I placed my hand on his shoulder as we crouched under a table shaking my head giving him a firm 'no!'

He glared, but not at me, at the darkness looming behind us, the place the talon was at murdering innocents.

I sensed his internal battle, and tried to get him to move. The door was just mere inches away.

But he wouldn't. He couldn't. But he had to.

"Dick!" i hissed as quietly as possible.
"Move, now!"

He snapped at me. "I can't just leave them to die!"

"They're probably already dead! And besides if Dick Grayson dies here, Nightwing dies with him." i whisper hissed yet again.

He growled but eventually moved forwards towards the door.

I was the last person to reach the door, as i did the lights flickered back on long enough for me to spot the killer it was a talon, a talon with its hood down, i looked at myself. My other self showed no emotion even when stood at the center of a bloodbath.

My other self gave me a look, a look that said 'You can try and kill me, i know you wont be able to.'

Then the lights flickered back on and i took in what had been done.

Bodies were sprawled across the floors and tables, faces contorted in fear, blood sas smered across ecery surface I snarled all predator like. I was fine with murder but only if that person or people deserved to die i only ever killed the people who had killed, cheated, stolen, raped or kidnapped it was rare that i killed anyone else.

These people however were innocent, caught in the crossfire. I turned away and left through the door weirly scanning for anymore danger that i may have to avoid.

I found the others, glad to see that Damian had made it out before us.
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he
Explained that Clay had been killed.

This pissed me off even more.

"I'll fucking kill me!" i snarled "I'll dismember each and every owl until theres no one left!"  the others flinched slightly at my tone, jason stood up ready to try and subdue me incase i went on a murder spree I didn't care.

I glared at him and he backed off slightly.

"We're leaving, it isn't safe here. Not anymore." i told them as i nodded to tim to call alfred as my phone was probably still with the court in my old nanotech suit's utility belt.

I was pissed at myself for loosing that so quickly as well if only i hadn't been so bloody pathetic!

Oh, um... where did that come from?

Alfred pulled up in the limo as the police arived we ducked into different stores as they passed in order to avoid them not wanting to admit that such a horrible thing had just happened.

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