Chapter 7

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Bruce ran over to his kids letting out a sigh of relief as he saw they were still alive.

Alfred wasn't anywere to be seen however the door was left wide open.

I snarled as i watched myself step into the mannor.

"Batman." he acknowledged bruce who wasn't in costume.

His eyes settled on me.

"Ah, other, pathetic me." i tutted or was it he tutted because we were technically the same person.

I'm going to go with he, for simplicity.

I aimed a pistol at him. He didn't seem impressed.

"Go ahead, take your best shot, me."
He taunted.

I fired three shots into his head watching in satisfaction as his body dropped to the floor.

Bruce shook his head and i was confused.

Bruce pointed at the body and i noticed the wound had healed and he was beginning to come back from death.

"For fucks sake, of course i can't die! That'd be too easy!"

Bruce, i cant believe i'm even suggesting this, but you need a suit."

"What are you suggesting?"

"You run to the fucking batcave and get one!"

He laughed but took off regardless.

Other me was back up now.

"You know, its a shame. Had you stayed with the court you'd be immortal like me."

"And had you been paying attention you'd know that the court has spent years pumping different things into my body."

"Ooh, Ominous!" he said as he charged me.

I blocked his punch being careful to watch for any hidden blades.

Not that i'd need to be worried.

Talon slashed at my neck with a knife. It all happened in slow motion.

My bloood splattering everywhere and my body dropping to the floor.

I laughed getting back up off the floor.
My neck wound closing up.

Talon stumbled back stunned.

"H-how!" he demanded.

"Same abilites as you but to a more advanced level." i stated coldly as i drove a blade through his heart.

"Stop wasting time!" we both froze at that voice.

Owlet, the white Talon, the most dangerous talon the court had stepped into the mannor.

Her armor was like his, but white all over and had snow camouflage patterns.

"Little brothers?" Owlet asker confused seeing us both.

"I'm the original, he's a clone." i stated desperately wanting to kill them that and for bruce to hurry the hell up.

"Two birds, one bullet."

"Five birds and a bat omce we're through with you all!" Owlet moved faster than i could follow she had me on the ground beaten within a minute.

"Honestly, why didn't the court just send me to kill you all in the first place."

"Sadie." i groaned "Is this what you want? To be a weapon for the courts use!"

She drove one of her sai into my neck.
Her foot kept me planted firmly onto the ground

"Little brother, you don't know what i want."


End of chapter 7

Sorry its a shorter one.

Im going to take a day off, yes i know, dont sue me but i want to actually plan this out.

I've just been writting and seeing where that takes me so far its gotten me a story and now a sequal to said story.

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