Chapter 8

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Quick authors note.

Yes i know!  I said I'd take a day off writing this, but. I feel bad deniying y'all something to read.

A/N over


Sai's suck. Especially when one is lodged in your neck. I groaned as i tried to flip Sadie off of me. It didn't work the girl had an iron grip. He strength had been enhanced more than mine, meaing she hits way harder then I've ever hit.

Her enhancements were supirior to mine, she didn't have healing abilites like me but she did have impenetrable skin, bullets ricocheted off of her when fired upon, steel blades either shattered like glass or bent depending on what material.

Owlet also had superior speed and reaction time. She had nire experience and was even more trained then me.

I couldn't beat her... not in a million years. My big sister was too much for me to handle,no she was too much for anyone to handle.

I managed to turn my head towards the staircase. Oh no. Talon had damian by the neck ready to slice his throat open.

I struggled further. No good. Owlet laughed in my face.

"Awe, is little brother concerned about his brothers?" she asked mockingly i glared at her managing to pull my arm from the knife that had been stabbed down onto it as a restraint.

It should have hurt like hell pulling  my through an entire knife but somehow it didn't.

I head butted Owlet in the face. I heard my nose crack, it was likely broken. Dam her impenetrable skin to hell. I might as well have headbutted steel, I'd probably have better luck breaking that to be honest.

I pulled a sai from her belt as i flipped away.

"The bat won't be coming to help you."  Owlet stated as she advanced slowly. "He's currently fightijg against other talons, with the help of that butler of his."

"Your just the distraction!" i realised.

"If you fought the talons down there who are way weaker then us by the way. You'd kill, no, you'd slaughter them all. But me? Well you can't touch me." she charged forward with that same amazing speed.

This time however i was ready.  I called out to Other me.

"The court said you were stronger than Owlet, so why are you letting her have all the glory?"  i asked him.

"Don't be stupid, him? Stronger than me?" she laughed uncontrollably.

Talon marched over to us both dropping damian to the floor.

"Is this true?" he asked darkly, god was i a gullible villain. Good job me!

"Yes, would i lie to myself?"


Owlet was furious.

"This is rediculous!"

"I'm killing him!" other me stepped infront of me arms folded and at his chest.

"Move!"owlet seethed ready to kill but she knew that physically she would never be able to kill me.

I watched in satisfaction, giggling slightly as they both fought.

I had to admit that i wasn't expecting my othet self to be able to hold out against Owlet but he did better than i.

I suppose he had been trained while i was frozen....

Other me managed to imprison owlet in some strange black goup.  A Tar like substance almost.

He looked at me.

"I may be a talon, but i believe in honor. I will let you recover from her attack before i strike again."

He said nothing as he left owlet on th3 floor I watched in horor as her body began to dissolve. The goup was the courts version of acid.

Very strong acid...

The others began to stir and i rushed over to them.

This was going to be a long night.

End of chapter 8

Sorry its short but now my day away from this story can commence.

Saturday will be planning.

See you all sunday.

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