Chapter 11

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I strolled at a casual place through the underground lair of the court, the corridors were narrow and thick cables hung above my head.

Frost formed under each of the doors I looked at, Cryogenic labs was my first guess.

I opened the steel doors as quietly as possible not wanting to tip off any scientists that I had found a way inside.

No, let them think the Talons had killed me outside.

Stepping inside the freezing cold lab I could see no scientists. Good I smirked mischievously as I set each of the cryo Chambers that held a talon inside to self distruct.

I did that to as many Chambers in different rooms as I could before making my way to the court room. Following what vauge memory I had of the way to get there from my various escape atemps all those years ago.

One thing I hadn't forgotten was how watched you felt in this place like the very walls had eyes and ears.

It was creepy. Definitely creepy.

I hadn't forgotten the eerie sense of suspense that filled your body. Not knowing what was going to happen to you next after getting caught trying to escape.

It was an unnerving feeling I had now as I reached a steel door with an owl silhouette on it.

This was it. My revenge could begin now.

I made sure I was fully loaded in everthing. Especially my guns. I had a shotgun strapped to my back and both my desert Eagles at my side.

Three knives and a sword and whatever was in my utility belt.

I was ready, kicking the door down I entered.

The court room was filled with warmer colour tones, reds, golds and oranges. It was a nice change from the gray, silver and black the rest of the building was coloured.

It was also warmer temperature wise, outside this room was freezing due to the cryogenic Chambers kept down here.

I heard the court arguing they hadn't heard my arrival.

Shall I introduce myself? I think so.

I was about to fire a bullet into the air to get their attention when I heard a familiar voice.

"Owls, relax please, my son Roy is of no threat. He may have brought down the building but he hasn't found us down here. the Talons I dispatched to deal with him will do their jobs."
My dad tried to reason with the court who were in hysterics.

I cackled loudly. It echoed throughout the court room turning heads in my direction as I went into a pistol frenzy.
Dropping Owls left right and centre.

My dad sprung into action but I fired at him keeping him at bay with some polyurethane foam while I turned my attention on the remaining court members.

The had all resorted to hiding.

"Cowards!" I sneered as I tossed granades towards their hiding spots
enjoying the chaos I had wrought.

"Who here killed Slade Wilson!" I demanded seeing one owl raise his hand.

"I ordered for him To be attacked , NO... NO.. PLEASE DON- GAAAAAAAAAAGH!"
The owl yelled in desperation, pain filling his eyes as I tore off his hand.

Tears streamed down his face as I tore his mask off.

"Here. " I pressed my gun to his head
"Something for the pain." a bullet entered his skull and his body fell limp.

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