Chapter one

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"Hey Pearl! Have been searching for you..Where have you been?" Anabelle, my best friend asked

"I hum... Went to get some books at the library to get myself busy with..Any problem" I asked giving her a questioning look.

"Well nothing"

she said
I looked at her in a confused way....

"What? OK fine,  I was just worried you suddenly disappear without informing me since you aren't the type of person that disappear without telling people so I got worried"
she explained

Was all I could mutter.

"Okay so,  I gat to leave got to attend Chem.  lecture, I wouldn't want to get myself whipped by that bared man".

"Alright, see ya' letter"

Such a caring friend


I was still reading at the library when Anabelle suddenly bumped on me


Oh Jesus!

Who knows what she wants now,  maybe to follow her  to the rest room

Probably because she scared someone or something might take her away.

Sometimes, I ask myself if it was my fault she wouldn't stop watching horror movies.

That girl!


I answered her after calling me twice

"Have you heard about the new hot guy?" she asked

" Nah and am not interested please"
I said with an irritating smile.

Gosh! Am so tired of ladies and their 'my prince in a shiny Armor' illusions

It pretty annoying..

"Hey! take it easy, I was just trying to feed you with the latest news but since you are so in love with the so called book you are reading so am off"

she said.
Okay seriously! She is upset
What do I do?

She acts like a ferocious tigress when she's made at something or someone

I wouldn't say she's made, maybe little.

Perhaps, she's wandering what her offense is for having a friend like me

'Dry and boring'

I guess. 

I never go out for parties, have dinner with my mates, fancy celebrities, I mean I do fan their talent but I ditch one as soon as I get a replacement.

Justin Bieber is the best today and Sam smith the day after, that has always be roll.

It not like I care anyway, all I ever needed is that vibe of singing alone in your doom or where ever knowing that there's no cluster of jerk to make mockery of you.

I do have one, Can be extremely annoying
One and only jerk of a brother. He is younger than me so I gat him under my finger in some circumstances.

I ran after Annabelle, the last  thing I want right now is to be made at. My energy is to low for that.

"Hey bestie come join me
The book am reading is really interesting. Trust me"
I proposed before she starts thinking that am trying to ignore her and fortunately for me she accepted.

"Oh my God! What is the Author's name? There is no doubt, the book won't be addicting"


I need help in the name of everything holy.
Seriously, asking  her to read with me was a very bad idea, Poor me.
She wouldn't stop budging me with questions.

"Jesus, Pearl what do you think will happen next?"

voice out Pearl after all she is not angering anymore.

"The last time I checked, I haven't grow claws nor develop wings, gave supernatural powers to have assess to human minds,I mean how the hell do you expect me to know what will happen in the next episode when we are obviously reading it together, common give me some space".

She was about to open her mouth to respond but got cut in the air by  the most annoying thing in the world.

"Hey little babies!"

Ana and I looked up to see the familiar voice....


Of course it him, who else were you expecting?
This thing with hazel eyes and blonde hair standing before us is the high  school most popular player.

He left few  month ago for who knows what. And when I said popular player, I ain't talking about quarters back kind of football whatever they call their stuff.

I don't hate  Alex but I dislike him, too full of himself and of course, those who title them self Home coming queen and her followers worship him like his their god

Ana stood up to hug him as he comes closer to us and I gave him a tight smile

"Hey Alexander"
Anna pronounce his full name

This homo sapiens is actually turning red.
God I wish I was with my phone to snap him so he could see how embarrassed he looks

"You guys busy"

He asked, I wanted to ask,  when. was the last time he visited his psychologist. Seems his running low on his internal SD. Maybe 20MB left.  Even a dumb person will tell that there's an ongoing conversation, Wish simply means we are busy, such a dumb ass.

Ana said no while I said yes then we looked at each and I gave her a 'Shut your damn mouth' look before turning to face Alex

"Any problem?" I asked

"No just wanna to get some snacks for you guys at the vendor that's if you won't mind"  he said..

"Oh thanks so much for the offer we already had something to eat"

I said..Giving Ana a sign to shut her up once again... And thanks to God I was able to dismiss Alex.

"Pearl that was unfair"
"Yes really, you didn't ask me my opinion about the offer"
she said starring at me

"I thought we are sisters, you know my thought is your thought kind of a thing"
  I answered and gave her a smile that says I don't give a damn about it

His a loser anyway....  my time is to precious to be wasted by him.

Precious Pearl's Diary Where stories live. Discover now