Chapter Sixteen

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Psalms 29:2  Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.

   "Look behind you : What have you learned?

Look around you: What is happening to others?

Look above you: What does God expect of you?

Look besides you: What resources are available to you?" ― John C. Maxwell

"Come to the hall guys".
Announced by Alex.

We all matched down to the hotel hall,I could hear some students murmuring, wondering why the principal has us to come.

"Do you know why they call us here?".Maya asked me.
No I don't.

Well spending time with people could change your wrong perception of them. Maya for an example,she's so nice and jovial but have always looked at her like the school arrogant goddess because of the class of girls she mingle with.


The leaves were dancing as the wind blew down from the sky. In the hall we were, there was palpable joy rending the air as
we were waiting  for what the announcement.
Mr Johnson was one of our venerated teachers, and he was standing on the dais, holding a microphone in a bid to give us some pieces of advice that would motivate us.

"So we are here to get the be-a-good-children speech"says Ana.

"As in.Those boring speech" Maya added.

Hmmmm, I muttered.

"The journey just began," he was saying, " you were just an infant, who sucked breast, sometime ago, but now , you're going to be experiencing the reality of life, it may shock you, be ready for it, it may shake you, stand still and don't be weary, it may drain you of your strength, but don't give up, it's only the conquerer that share story not the quitters. In the future, it's either you remember my words and smile or you regret, but my prayer for you is that you smile whenever you remember my words today" he concluded and we all subjected the hall to a place of clapping in appreciation.

There was merriment and lots of prayers from our teachers in the hall , our teachers told us to go down to our respective hotel room with a view to preparing for the imminent celebration which was to hold  later that day.

The joy of graduating the next few hours and saying bye bye to high school was all I could think about. I know you will say poor girl, you're not thinking about the relevant thing which is the future but thinking about irrelevant one right?

Oh! I forgot to tell you something, I was the best silent female student in my set, I was good at Mathematics including those science subjects especially Chemistry, the only subject I hated was History,I love stories but this History of a subject, it bored me, so having a good certificate to prepare for college was not a problem.

We left the hall and departed to our respective rooms, the guys rooms was at the second floor while ours was at the third floor.

"I wanna go work at a bakery store not for the money actually but to learn about all this pastries stuff before getting admission to college " says Maya.

Whoa.. Maya of all people wants  to work.

"What about you pearl?"
Lucia asked.

I'm going to be staying at home to prepare for the next exams.My dad said,he will employ a private tutor to prepare me the next McMaster university scholarship.Then after my admission, I will like to start working after lectures to support my parents, I just hope they will let me.I wouldn't like to call them everytime I need something, just want to be an independent lady.

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