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''We're gonna mweet a frwiend?'' Naruto his father atop Kakashi's shoulders. "Who?''

Minato grinned at the boy. "You'll just have to wait and see baby.'' Naruto pouted.

They made their way through the part of the village where the Uchiha's were. Minato was off today and he wanted to make up lost time with him family. Kakashi didn't bother going to the Tower to see if he had a mission because if he did have one Minato would've told him.

The Perks of having the 4th Hokage as your Dad.

It took them longer than expected to get there since there were people (women specifically) who wanted a chance to talk to the 'oh-so-sexy' 4th Hokage and the 'Cute-and-Sexy-Mysterious' Jounin. Completely ignoring Naruto's presence, but it's not like he minded, he didn't want boobies rubbed in his face anyways.

After getting through 'hell' as Minato called it they knocked on the door belonging to a certain Uchiha Family.

"Coming~!" a voice rang out before the door slid open.

''Oh!" The female exclaimed. ''Hokage-sama! I'm glad you could make it.'' she glanced at the other two. ''Hi Kakashi, Naruto.''

"Yo!'' Kakashi gave her an eye smile while Naruto barried himself further into his Nii-San's white hair.

Minato waved at her. ''Please Mikoto-san. . .just call me Minato.''

The woman smiled. ''Well okay, then you just call me Mikoto! Please come in!" The three made their way into the comfortable house taking off their shoes. Kakashi set Naruto down and the boy hid inside his fathers cloak.

Minato smiled at him.

"He's so cute~" Mikoto cooed. "I'll go call Sasuke.''

As Mikoto left, another man made his way into the room. His face brightened when he saw who it was.

"Minato! Kakashi!" he ran up to them and they all embraced in a hug, squishing Naruto in the middle.

"Long time no see Fugaku!" Minato smiled. "How ya been?" The man grinned.  "I've been doing well!"

They made there way over to a dining room table and started to chat among themselves. Naruto simply sat on his father lap not paying attention to a word they're saying.

Soon Mikoto came back holding hands with a small raven-haired boy. Naruto's eyes widened when he saw him.

He's really pretty! He reminds me of the stars!

Naruto hopped down from Minato's lap and walked up to him. He extended his hand.

"I'm Naruto. Namikaze Naruto.''

The boy stared at his hand for a while before he took it and pulled the boy close to him, giving him a hug.

"I'm Sasuke. Uchiha Sasuke.''

Naruto stood there frozen for a while before he wrapped his arms around the boy, planting his head in the crook of his neck.

The adults hearts melted.

Kakashi pulled out his phone and took a picture. Minato leaned over to the Jounin. "Send that to me.''

Kakashi nodded.

''Do you wanna go play in my room with me?'' Sasuke asked. Naruto nodded and the boy held his hand as he pulled him away to his room.

Fugaku and Mikoto looked at their guest and their eyes widened.

"Minato! Kakashi what's wrong!?" Fugaku exclaimed as they watched the two men cry.

"They're so cute!" Kakashi sobbed into Minato's chest. The older blonde held him tight. "I know, I know..''

Mikoto and Fugaku sweatdropped.

As Sasuke was showing Naruto all of his toys Naruto couldn't help but stare at the boys beauty.

He was so caught up in staring he didn't notice that Sasuke was calling him.

"--ruto! Naruto!"

Naruto shook his head and looked at the boy who who glaring angrily at him. "Are you even listening to me? Why are you staring at me?''

The blonde's face started to heat up. He wanted to tell a lie because of how embarrassing it was, but Minato and Kakashi told him that it was never okay to lie. If he did lie, he would end up getting a spanking.

Naruto shuddered, he didn't want a spanking.

"Y-You're just. . .you're just--''

"What is it!?" Sasuke yelled.

"You're really pretty!" Naruto exclaimed covering his face embarrassed. "You're really. . .pretty and I like the way. . .you look.''

It was quiet until Naruto felt his hands being pulled from his face to look into the black orbs of the raven haired boy.

"You're really pretty too.'' Sasuke said after a while. ''And I like your eyes too. I've never seen purple eyes before.''

Naruto wanted to tell him that he was blind, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it.

[The Things I Wanted To See] A SasuNaru or MinaNaru Story! // DECIDED AT END!Where stories live. Discover now