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shitty chapter my bad🏃

"Woohoo! You did it Naruto!" Gaara praised as he continued to practice making his own sandstorm even bigger. He had invited Naruto out to train in the Kazekage's own private training facility. It was indoors in a way, the floor made out of Rasa's gold sand and it got hot if you stood on it without moving for a while, but there was still A/C and camera's so that people from the Kazekage's tower could watch them train.

"Awesome!" Naruto grinned looking at himself. He had finally managed to get into Kurama mode and he was glowing a bright yellow color, with a new cloak on. "I can feel endless amount of chakra rushing through me!"

Because of me. Kurama grinned.

"Yes, thank you Kurama!" Naruto smiled widely.

The fox smiled back as he thought of how much Naruto had actually grown.


That you. . Swuck dwick!!

Pwisses me. .off?

Kurwama *sniff* twake me to Sasuke's!

You've grown so much ! Kurama cried into his paws, causing Naruto's Kurama Mode to come to an end. The Redhead (almost orange) raised an eyebrow.

"Huh? What's wrong Kurama?"

Gaara stopped his sandstorm and walked over. "Shukaku says he's remembering memories of you when you were a child."

Naruto squinted his eyes and scoffed. "You let me do some fucked up things when I was younger you know."

This stopped the tailed beast almost immediately. "Says the one who lost their virginity at 5."

"Isn't that normal?"

"What the fu- no it's not."

"Then why didn't you stop me?"

[The Things I Wanted To See] A SasuNaru or MinaNaru Story! // DECIDED AT END!Where stories live. Discover now