Welcome to the party, zoomer. 〔♡〕

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(Max's POV)
"Welcome to the party, zoomer" Mike said with a forced smile. I knew he hated me still, but I didn't really give a shit. I started hanging out with the party everyday after that, and everyone seemed to be having fun except for Mike. I did feel a little bad, but at the same time he was a douche bag who put me through the same thing. Besides, I was getting closer to Jane. 

Jane and I actually started hanging out a lot, just the two of us. We'd go to the mall, the movies, go for bike rides, have sleepovers, I even started teaching her how to skate. This is all I've ever wanted, well almost. I knew she'd never feel the way I felt, she was with Mike and I don't think they're breaking up anytime soon..plus, she likes boys. 

Even though Mike hated me still, Will and I got closer. Sometimes when I was over at Jane's he'd hang out with us. I liked Jane's family, Hopper was a little intimidating at first but once I got to know the guy I realized he was really sweet and funny. Joyce is a fantastic mother and a very pleasant person to be around. Whenever I was over she'd make us treats. Will is one of my best friends now, and I didn't see Johnathan very much but when I did he was cool. It made me wish my family wasn't so dysfunctional, Jane didn't really come to my house because my step-brother is an asshole who wants to strip all of the happiness out of my life, and he and his father are always fighting over something. I hate being at home, which is why I pretty much live at my friend's houses. Damn, I'm so glad I cried in Lucas's room that night.

(Jane's POV)
Max is amazing, I love her. I've always wanted this, I've always wanted another female, who wasn't my step mom, to spend my days with. Max came over a lot and my family loved her. She brought me closer to Will too, I mean we were already close, but we started hanging out even more when she was around. I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to her, she is my other half. I knew I was missing something my entire life, and that something was Max Mayfield.

Mike has been struggling with this, it upsets him that I'm hanging out with someone else. But whenever he starts complaining about it, I give him that same speech I did the night of Lucas's party. He'll get over this eventually, at least I hope he will. Everyone else in the party is very happy with this change, we all love Max. 

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