1. Inherience

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➳➳Third person POV➳➳

In nr. 4 privet drive, the smallest bedroom lays a perfectly normal teenage boy who is about to turn 15, or not. The teenage boy, Harry Potter, is a wizard, and not any wizard, he is the boy-who-lived, the survivor and the golden boy that everyone trusts to save them from the dark lord, Voldemort, and his death eaters. But now Harry lays in his bed, lonely, with only 5 minutes until he turns fifteen. 'Why am I exited, I'v not received any letters from my so called friends and my aunt and uncle will just give me another beating or a longer list of shores as a birthday present' he thought.
Just 10 secondes left, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
"Happy birthday" he says to himself before a sudden pain goes through his body, slowly the pain fade away and he walk up and into the bathroom. When Harry catch a glimpse in the mirror he couldn't help the gasp that escaped my mouth.

 When Harry catch a glimpse in the mirror he couldn't help the gasp that escaped my mouth

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His face and hair☝️

He lifted his shirt a little and smiled when he saw his six pack, he was a lot more muscular than before and he didn't look as sickly skinny as before. He also noticed that he had gained some length, he is about 1,90 meters (6,23 ft).

He looked back at his face and saw that his before green eyes now were a stunning electric green, he open his mouth and see the two pointed teeth.

Harry walks back to his room and sees a owl outside his window. He hurries over and let the owl in who drops a letter on his bed and then flys out again. Harry closes the window and walks over to the letter

Mr. Potter
It has come to our knowledge at Gringotts that you have gone through a creature inheritance and we would appreciate if you can make it to the bank as soon as possible

Head goblin
P.S the letter is a port key that activates with "Truth"

Harry quickly grab my wand and touch the letter
After he felt the tug behind his navel and soon felt solid ground under his feet, he hurried towards the goblin he recognizes as Griphook
"Hello mr. Griphook, I got you letter"
The hole bank stoped and stared at Harry, Griphook wasn't an exception who stared, after some time he broke from the stare
"Mr. Potter, follow me to my office please"
"Of course sir"

In the office Griphook takes his seat behind the large desk and motions for Harry to do the same
"Now mr. Potter, if you please could drop seven drops of blood on this parchment"
"Please call me Harry"
"And than you should call me Griphook"
Harry takes the silver dagger that Griphook hands him and make a cut in his palm. He let seven drops of blood fall on the parchment and licked his wound and it started to close. After some time Harry takes the parchment and starts to read

Birth certificate
Name: Harry James Potter
Mother: Lilly Potter née Evans
Father: James Charles Potter
DOB: 31 July 1980
Godmother: Narcissa Malfoy née Black, Bellatrix Lestrange née Black
Godfather: Sirius Black, Severus Snape

Lord to:

Heir to:

Creature: Vampire - Dominant
Mate(s): unknown - Submissive male

Core: Higher than Merlin (60% blocked)

Shadow traveling
Super speed
Parseltongue (15% blocked)
Parselmagic (95% blocked)
Gobbledegook (100% blocked)
Fast learning (95% blocked)
Potions ability (80% blocked)
Charms (50% blocked)
Transfiguration (50% blocked) DADA Wandless magic (95% blocked) Wordless magic (80% blocked)

(All blocks is put on by Albus Dumbledore)

Animagus: Shadowphoenix, black mamba, raven

Potions, spells and contracts Trust potion - keyed to Albus Dumbledore, Ronald Weasley, Ginerva Weasley, Molly Weasley, Hermione Granger, the order of phoenix, light families
Hate potion - keyed to Severus Snape, Draco Malfoy, Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort,  dark side, dark families
Love potion - keyed to Ginerva Weasley
Herocomplex spell
Drawn to danger spell
Marriage contract with Ginerva Weasley

When Harry was at the end his magic swirled around the room and knocked things over
"Is there a way to remove all the blocks and potions"
"Of course, it will be quite painful and will coast 25 galleons"
"I will do it"
"Follow me"
Griphook leads Harry into a circular room with a lot of runes on the walls and over the whole floor except one circle. Griphook motions for Harry to stand in the circle, and when he do so he starts to chant. The pain in Harry's body is a bit worse than the inheritance but he had been through worse.

After thirty minutes chanting Harry felt a click and then nine more, and after that Griphook stops chanting. He is out of breath so Harry wand- and wordlessly conjures a glass with water and hands it to him. The goblin smiles thankfully and leads Harry back to the office "There is just one thing left now and that is your vaults, there have been monthly withdraws every month to Molly, Ronald and Ginerva Weasley, Hermione Granger and Albus Dumbledore as well as to Vernon Dursley"
"I would like all money that is stolen from me back. Also do you have some sort of card that I can connect to my vaults"
"Yes and it can be used in both muggle and wizard shops"
"That would be awesome"
Griphook hands him a card and he makes his way to the leaky cauldron to stay for the night.


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