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vivian.jade: "okay" - john deacon

• user1: FINALLY


• lucyboynton: yesss!! get it girl!
- vivian.jade: lucyboynton ilysm

• benhardy: take care of my boy..ehh, who am i kidding. he's in good hands
- vivian.jade: benhardy thnx for trusting me with your most prized possession

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joe kept admiring how vivian was with paisley. he thought to himself i really like this girl. i really like her. i adore her baby as well, and i think she likes me. he thought as paisley looked over at joe and started giggling.

"do you like joe?" vivian cooed. paisley kicked and squealed. vivian smiled, and glanced at joe.  joe's eyes met hers and he winked.

"so, what's the verdict?" he asked.

"about?" she raised an eyebrow.

"you think i don't want to see you. i do. i really do. i really like you, and paisley seems to like me, and i adore her."

"you'd really want to see me?"

"i'd want to be seen with you, date you, be seen with you and paisley." he gestured to room of strangers. "you having a baby is the least of my worries. you having a baby makes it a little harder because now i have to win two women over and i don't know how i could possibly do that." joe acted dramatic and put his hand on his forehead.

"alright deacy, i get it." she winked at joe.


"perm." vivian smirked. "it means permanent."

"thank you." joe rolled his eyes. he was falling for her. and her sarcastic mouth.

"i've never told anyone about paisley.." vivian paused. "should i tell lucy? i've known her since forever ago."

"i mean, it's your privacy. i know you like it like that, private and all." joe quickly added.

"what's going on today?"

"i mean..we're filming later. you're more than welcome to come with me if you'd like."

"really? i wouldn't be a bother?"

"of course not."

"okay..what time are you filming?"

"i have to be there in roughly an hour so they know i'm gonna be there today. we can leave here soon. i'll text lucy and see if she's there in a little bit."

"yeah." vivian nodded and took a sip of her coffee.

"so what do you say?"


"i'm going to take you out on a proper date. you could probably get rami and lucy to watch paisley. i'm taking you out to a nice place, i'll pick you up, we can drop paisley off at lucy's, it'll be a good night."

vivian was hesitant. "i've never really left paisley before.."

"we should probably see how lucy handles you telling her first huh..?"

"probably." vivian admired joe. "but i think i like what's going on here." she smirked before taking a sip of her coffee once more.

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