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joe and vivian laid on vivian's bed and reminisced about their relationship. from their first date when joe found out about paisley to the time joe sat up a tent in his back yard and had a picnic for them so they could stargaze.

"i'm thinking about revealing paisley to the world.." vivian sighed as she laid there with joe, holding his hand.

"really? are you sure that's exactly what you want to do?" he sat up, but quickly realized that sounded doubtful. "i mean i fully support you no matter what! i was just curious if you really wanted to do that and if that meant i could post a couple of her too.."

"yes joe." she laughed and sat up too. "i've thought about it. i've put my life on a platform. my job, my relationship with you. the only thing they don't know is her. and with her turning one's a good time. i'm in a good place in my life to do this. plus, my ex can see the only good thing he gave me. and i don't care because he won't be in her life. he never was."

"alright. so are you going to post her tomorrow morning at her birthday party?"

"yep." vivian smiled. "i remember you telling me about gwilym and ben spooking you in target when you were with her. it got me thinking."

"so is it alright if i post her tomorrow for her birthday?"

"of course." she smiled at him. "you're her father figure and she loves you."

"she loves me?"

"almost every night when i'm putting her to bed, she goes "joe?" or as she says it, "oh?" and i'll always tell her she'll see you tomorrow. then she'll murmur your name a few more times and "wove" before falling asleep."

joe smiled to himself. he knew he was doing the job he had wanted. he wanted to be there for paisley and wanted her to remember him.

"i'm fulfilling what i wanted to."

"what's that?"

"to be a father to her."

"well you are." vivian kissed joe's cheek before checking on paisley.

" vivian kissed joe's cheek before checking on paisley

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liked by benhardy and 11.2k others

joe_mazzello: my slice of heaven, part two coming tomorrow. ♥️

• user1: get married plz
- joe_mazzello user1 baby steps 😉

•benhardy: i better be part two cause second is the best 😘
- vivian.jade benhardy at least my feet don't stink
-benhardy vivian.jade onE TIME

•user2: is ben part two?
- joe_mazzello user2 we'll see about part three, i got a special one for part two

•gwilymlee: i'm part two and you know it benhardy
- benhardy gwilymlee actually we both know who part two is 🙊

vivian came back in and smiled. "the child is asleep." she fell onto the bed and huffed.

"tomorrow you'll have a one year old." joe wrapped an arm around her.

"don't rub it in."

"i'm not." joe snuggle his head between her neck and shoulder.

"i just hope i got everything right for tomorrow."

"you did babe..don't worry." joe threw the blanket over them and they soon fell asleep knowing there was a long day ahead of them

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