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paisley had woken up while joe was playing a game. she had gained interest in his game.

"oh!" she reached out to touch his hand.

"did you just say my name, little miss thang?" joe got a toothy grin.

"oh." she gave him her "serious" face.

"you really are vivian's baby." he laughed before locking his phone. "wanna go to the store with me?" paisley nodded.

joe had watched paisley a few times, and even invested in a car seat for the days he was watching her and needed to go out.

joe went to target, which was the easiest and closest place to him. he grabbed a cart and sat paisley in the seat. "buckle up kiddo." he stood and he watched paisley pick up the straps and wave them around. "it's like this.." he gently grabbed her hands and clicked the belt together. he tightened it a little before going about his shopping.

"eeeee!" paisley started to lean and groan and point to the number one thing she wanted. teddy graham's. joe let her pick out one of the minis, which she went with chocolatey chip, of course. his favorite as well.

"what does your mommy like to eat.." joe leaned on the cart as we stood in the aisle. he looked at her and puckered his lips for a second. she grabbed joe's cheeks and placed a kiss on his nose.

"aww, you're so sweet."

"i oh." she smiled.

"i know you know. you're as sweet as your teddy graham's." joe tickled her sides for a moment while she laughed and squealed. "ahh, you're my favorite girl." joe grinned before continuing to shop for his date tonight.

"make pizza or spaghetti?"


"pizza it is." he smiled and grabbed a couple of dough mixes. "supreme?" paisley smiled and nodded then turned her attention back to the aisle.

joe grabbed a bottle of wine, more ingredients for the pizza, and made his way through more aisles. paisley hummed as she gazed around.

out of nowhere, joe heard his name being called. he froze for a second and tried to register the voice.

he turned and saw ben standing there with gwil. "oh thank god. i thought i got busted and was going to have to tell vivian that people know about paisley now..when it's her place to tell."

"oh." they both laughed. "i see you're spoiling the kid now." gwil winked.

"what mama bear doesn't know, won't hurt her."

"joe's got a point." ben shrugged. "what are you shopping for?"

"date night."

"tomorrow we start shooting i want to break free. vivian gonna come see you dressed up as an angry grandma?"

"you know, i never asked her.."

"uh oh." gwil laughed a little. "i don't see why she would say no though. she's always been involved with shooting and being there for you."

"i know. i wish i could do the same for her."

"oh." paisley spoke up.

"what cutie?"

"he even talks like a dad now." ben muttered.

"ahh." she pointed to her mouth.

"feed me joe, feed me!" gwil and ben acted dramatic, earning the laughter of paisley.

"is this baby ever upset??" ben asked while joe dug for her snacks in the backpack.

"nope, just sassy and happy."

"keep her that way. don't let her get sad." paisley must've heard sad because she started to pout when ben looked in her direction. "oh no no no.."

paisley quickly turned it into a smile and giggled. "she's really smart joe." gwilym admired the father figure.

"she's a great baby. never cries, easy to get to nap, funny."

they talked for a little while longer until gwil and ben had to go. joe pushed his cart over to the clearance aisle just for shits and giggles.

joe glanced around and noticed a few boxes of lights and a DIY tent, and suddenly a lightbulb went off.

"ready to go?" he looked at paisley after putting the last few things in his cart. she nodded and yawned.

her and much more / joe mazzello Where stories live. Discover now