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"gooooooood morning." joe poked his head into paisley's room to see her up and smiling.

"ohhhh!!" paisley smiled and reached for joe.

"happy birthday princess." he kissed her fore head as he placed her on his hip. paisley cuddled up to joe.

"ere." paisley motioned for joe to come down a bit. he leaned down and paisley left a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"aww, you're so sweet." he gave her an eskimo kiss before heading downstairs for breakfast.

joe cooked while swaying with paisley on his hip. she couldn't help but let out an infectious laugh every time joe made a face at her.

"ahh, so this is where my two favorite people are." vivian came into the kitchen sporting a really messy bun.

"good morning beautiful." joe stepped over and kissed vivian.

"good morning handsome." vivian took paisley while joe finished up their breakfast.

"happy birthday baby girl!" paisley clapped and smiled while looking at her momma. "is joe making breakfast for you?"

"da." joe's head snapped up. he thought about what paisley said for a second, squinted his eyes, and continued to flip pancakes.

"what did you just call joe?" vivian came into the kitchen with paisley at her hip.

"daaaa..deeee." joe couldn't hold back his smile.

"is joe a good dad?"

"ya!!" paisley grinned.

"is paisley the bestest little girl in the entiiiiiire world?!" joe tickled her stomach causing her to laugh, very contagiously.

"are you ready for breakfast?" vivian laughed and took paisley to her high chair.

"do you care to cut her some strawberries, babe?" vivian heard joe ask from the kitchen.

"let me finish with paisley." after making sure her birthday girl was safe and secure, vivian walked to the fridge to get strawberries. joe handed her a knife.

"do you really think she meant it?! calling me daddy?"

"i'm sure she did." joe was looking down at vivian, a little terrified and happy.

"i don't know how i'm supposed to react."

"you're happy, i know it. you're trying not to grin." vivian teased joe.

joe snaked his arms around vivian's waist and pulled her back side to him. "i love you." he rested his chin on her shoulder and kissed her cheekbone.

"i love you too. dino boy.."

"hey, i heard that." he stuck his tongue and licked her cheek.

"oh, you're disgusting." vivian started laughing before turning around to face joe.

"what are you gonna do?" joe taunted her.

vivian stepped forward and smashed their lips together. her arms wrapped around his neck. joe was caught off guard, but melted right in. his hands slid down vivian's back. they spun around to where vivian's back was to the kitchen counter. joe's hands went lower. right under her butt. "jump." he sat her on the counter where one arm pulled her close to him and the other slid up her neck. his hand got tangled in her hair. he gently tugged on it, and got the reaction he was looking for from vivian.

there was a knock at the door, causing the couple to jump apart. "it's probably ben or someone." joe walked over and open the door. he revealed gwilym. "good morning!" he greeted.

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