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joe led vivian and paisley to the set where they saw lucy talking with a director.

"vivian?" lucy caught a glimpse and gasp. she jogged over to the three and hugged vivian. "who is this?!" lucy was excited yet confused.

"this is paisley. she's my seven month daughter."

"but..wait.." lucy's eyes got wide. "no."

"yeah, unfortunately." vivian have her a smile and let lucy hold paisley.

"what was that about?" joe looked over. vivian shook her head.

"i'll have to tell you later." joe nodded, respecting that wish.

"where's ben?"

"trailer still." lucy said as paisley squirmed to get back to vivian. they chit chatted for a few more minutes.

"i think we're gonna go find him." vivian hugged lucy once more.

"it was so nice meeting you!" lucy gave paisley a high five while she giggled.

"so, the man i had paisley with is my ex."

"has he ever seen paisley?"

"not since she was born. that's the way i like it. i never post her and that's one of the reasons."

"makes sense. is he in your life at all anymore?"

"nope. not since i broke off our engagement."

joe shoved his hands in his pockets. "so i almost couldn't of had a beautiful girl like you?"

"almost." vivian blushed as they made their way to ben's trailer, where they found the rest of the crew and even brian and roger.

"joe!" ben yelled, causing everyone to look over at the three.

"holy heck, you're vivian." gwilym approached the mother.

"yes! i'm vivian, you must be gwilym." he shook her hand.

"that i am, and may i ask who's this?" gwilym smiled while paisley covered her face and squealed.

"this is paisley. she's my daughter."

"i didn't know you had a daughter." ben joined the conversation as rami appeared.

"you guys and lucy are the only people who do."

"and her ex." joe crossed his arms and rolled his eyes.

"hey, this is a happy moment." ben got sassy and push his finger over joe's lips.

"can i?" ben held his arms out.

"yeah, you wanna go to ben?" paisley was showing her dimples and threw her arms out to go to ben.

"haha!" ben was smiling from ear to ear and bouncing her around. "i like her." ben looked over at joe and vivian.

"stop being a sour puss. we still have that date." vivian glanced at joe.

"anyone wanna babysit her so i can take vivian on a date?"



gwilym and ben were eager to spend time with their new best friend.

"all the guys and lucy could hang out with her." joe suggested. "rami, you'll have to let lucy come help you three."

"you're going to give her baby fever and i'm going to hate you." rami said before turning back to watch paisley.

"not my fault." vivian nudged joe.

"he loves me." joe flipped his non existent hair. "so is it a date?"

"it is."

"pick you up at 7?"

"sounds good."

"so is this the 'insanely beautiful and most perfect girl' you've been raving about?" roger walked over to the couple.

"ahh, you must be vivian!" brian held out his hand. "i'm brian." vivian shook his hand.

"i'm vivian. it's so nice to meet you!"

"i'm here too."

"but you didn't introduce yourself rog."

"no need!" vivian held her hand out in roger's defense. "i grew up on your music and, not to sound weird or rude, but i do know roger is here as well."

"i like her. keep her around." roger winked.

"so that little beauty is yours?" brian changed to topic.

"yes. her name's paisley."

"she's got dark hair like you." roger mentioned. "i think the guys like her too."

gwilym, ben, and rami were helping her walk then putting her in their shoulders, and her pretending to be an airplane while making the sound effects.

"since you guys are dad's and grandpas i presume, would you like to help them? i'm taking vivian on a date tonight at 7."

"if you're okay with this, you can bring her to mine and anita's home here. the guys and lucy can come over for dinner and we can watch her. anita would absolutely love paisley." brian suggested.

"umm, if it's not a bother! i would honestly trust her being with someone who is experienced, not saying i don't trust the guys or lucy but.."

"you'd feel for comfortable knowing she's being watched by another parent."

"yeah." vivian let out a sigh of relief.

"so, i'll pick those two up at seven and head over to your place?" joe asked to make sure.


"sounds like a date." joe winked at vivian.

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