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joe had an idea. he wanted to make a cute date area in his backyard for vivian. they had been together for a month now, and he was falling for her more and more each day.

he had woken up in his bed, alone, and seemingly hungry. he checked his phone before going downstairs to his kitchen.

good morning, you dino☺️ i know we have plans tonight at 6, but i have a meeting up until 6, would 7 be okay?? it was a last minute one and i promise it won't happen for a while (unless the company is threatened or etc.)

anything is fine as long as i'm with you♥️ gives me a little more time to plan this date out 😁

you're too cute 😊 i'm about to leave and drop paisley waisley off at your house, now are you sure you wanna watch her?

i wouldn't want anything more😌 gotta win her over somehow

joe got ready for the day after having his breakfast. he had turned on the tv for some noise when he heard a knock on the door, knowing exactly who it was.

"hey!!" joe engulfed vivian into a hug, then turn his attention to paisley. "you're getting so big." he gently pinched her thighs, receiving a squeal in return.

"are you ready to hang out with joey while mommy goes to her meetings?" paisley looked at joe with a single tooth grin.

"i'll take that as a yes." joe laughed and took paisley along with her bag. he leaned down and gave vivian a kiss. "i'll see you later."

"have fun you two!" vivian admired joe with her daughter for a moment before continuing to her car.

"are you about to get another tooth missy??" joe dropped his jaw dramatically causing the room to fill with paisley's laughter.

"wanna snack?" joe sat her on his lap as he dug in the backpack. joe looked at her while she continuously nodded and wiggles in her spot.

"strawberries?" she squealed and reaches her hands out. he snaked his arm around her and opened the bowl. joe then reached for the fork and started to feed paisley.

he went to give her another slice but opened his mouth, making her think he was gonna eat it. paisley reached up and got ahold of the fork, and with all her might pulled it to her mouth.

"nah nah nah nah nah nah nah." she shook her head as she chewed. she hummed and smiled up at joe.

"i guess you could say i've already won you over." paisley opened her mouth, ready for another strawberry slice.

now, i'm just curious, why do you insist on turning this child into a helicopter??😂

vivian:joe, you're sure a loser 😂 i let her pick out what she wants to wear😂 i just buy her some clothes

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joe, you're sure a loser 😂 i let her pick out what she wants to wear😂 i just buy her some clothes. how's it going with her?

it's going good. she's sitting up next to me while we watch Dumbo in my room. she's full from the strawberries i gave her earlier

aww, i love hearing that. what else are you two going to do?

probably going to get her to take a nap maybe then we're gonna go to the store. i haven't gone in a long while. figured i could have a helper.

she's gonna want teddy grahams, just letting you know 😂

well guess who's going to be getting some teddy grahams today. is there anything she's allergic to??

she's not allergic to anything that i know of. she just doesn't like avocados and broccoli. she's not a picky child though. i think she doesn't like the consistency of avocados, and i don't blame her. uncooked broccoli is still be too hard for her, but i tried to get her to snack on steamed broccoli and she still didn't really enjoy it. she gave me a stank face

okay i'm not the only one who's gotten that face. and i don't blame her on broccoli either. i pretended i was going to eat her slice of strawberry and the girl pulled the fork to her mouth and ate it. she was happy with herself.

she's a mini me, joe 😂

now ya tell me 🙄♥️

joe looked at paisley and saw that she was out. her head was tilted back and her mouth open. "i can relate." he shrugged and laid her down making sure to tuck her in. he laid down too but played on his phone just in case she were to wake up or something bad happened.

"you probably won't hear nor understand what i'm telling you, but i'm really hoping your mommy is the one. i don't want to come into your life and just walk out soon after. you deserve a father figure and i hope i can be that, you precious little sass master." joe smiled, thinking about the strawberry incident.

joe loved this kid, and didn't want to abandon her no matter what. he just hoped vivian and paisley understood that too.

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