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liked by benhardy and 6.7k others

joe_mazzello: shes a goddess, a ***, a dream, and most importantly she's my angel♥️

•benhardy: DATE YOU DUMMY
^ vivian.jade: benhardy shhh pretty boy

• lucyboynton: i love this! the dress too 😏 lemme borrow it!

• user1: what did he star out?!

•user2: ***?!?! WHAT DOES THIS MEAN??🔦🔬
^ vivian.jade: user2 cat

•user3: is she a mom? cause she's have a hella cute baby if so, esPECIALLY WITH JOE
^ joe_mazzello: user3 and i-

(view all 3,578 comments)

joe admired vivian from across the table. "tell me how i got so lucky."

"stop." vivian blushed.

"anything on how paisley's doing?"

"brian, ben, nor gwil have said anything."

"are you worried?" joe reached across the table and held her hand while swiping his thumb over the back of it.

"i am, but i trust them."

"she's with brian may, a dad and grandpa himself. she's gonna be okay." joe gave her a reassuring smile. "shall we go on to the next stop on our date?" joe put the money to pay for their meal in the fold before leading vivian out.

"where to next?"

"well, there's a beautiful park here, but it doesn't compare to you."

"stop." she blushed hard and laughed lightly.

they arrived at park and found a band playing. there was enough room for them on the cement, considering the others there.

"can i have this dance?" he held out his hand.

"well of course." joe pulled her in, his arm snaked around her back and holding her hand. all of a sudden he spun her around and pulled her back. vivian threw her head back laughing then hid in joe's chest. he leaned back a little to catch her attention. she looked up and joe's hand let go of hers before caressing her left cheek. he leaned in and gently pressed his lips upon hers. vivian reciprocated and slid her hands from his neck to his cheeks.

"sorry." joe smiled and shook his hand.

"don't be sorry. i enjoyed it." joe looked her in the eyes before pulling her in again and passionately kissing her this time.

after dancing a little while longer, brian finally texted.

dr may:
sound asleep! anita read her a story and bounced her around in the kitchen while she made the boys some drinks... she's safe and sound in mine and anita's room.. we're keeping an eye on her and found old baby monitors. xx bri

vivian:thank you so much brian! this means the world to me

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thank you so much brian! this means the world to me. you guys are taking such great care of her.

joe smiled as he read the text messages and saw the picture. "you're not worried anymore?"

they walked hand in hand to joe's car. "nope. i'm calm now."

"would you like to go back to my place? or yours?"

"we can go to yours." vivian smiled over at joe.

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