Chapter 3 // midnight runs

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I force myself out out of bed. It is 11:30 at night and I need to take a shower I feel gross with my mascara stained face, and my hair now a mess.
I turn on the water and start to get undressed. I look in the mirror and see all my flaws. How maybe if my boobs were bigger or my stomach was flatter guys would find me attractive. Or if my hair wasn't always a mess and I wore a little make up and dressed nicer people would think I'm pretty. I know I'm not. I've been told various times by people
at school.
"Maybe if you dressed nicer you would look like an actual girl." I've replayed that so many times in my head. This girl Eve told me that. She's pretty on the outside ugly on the inside. She has dirty blond hair and crystal blue eyes with a body any girl would die for.
I'm the opposite I've got wavy brown hair that I can never contain and normal brown eyes. I don't have an amazing body and I would never turn a guy on.
I step into the shower and let the hot water touch my skin. I clean my face off not having the energy to cry anymore. I step out of the shower and get dressed in some pajama shorts and an oversized hoodie.
"Alex I don't feel very good". Shit. There goes my five year old sister giving me the im about to throw up look. " hey it's ok, it's ok " I move her towards the toilet where she throws up and is crying at the same time.
Once she's done I lay her back in bed and go into the kitchen to look for the medicine or something that'll keep her fever down. And of course I can't find anything.
I go to Jason's room and tell him that I have to go to the store to go get medicine and to watch his sister and make sure she's ok.
I don't bother changing even though it's freezing and I have wet hair that's down on my shoulders and shorts on. There's no time to change I need to make sure Jordan is ok first. I jog to my car and get in turning the heater on.
I find a target and go inside. Going towards the medicine isle I see a young looking guy probably around his 20's looking at tampons and pads very confused. I walk towards him
"Need some help?" I say feeling amused by how confused he is.
"Uh yeah kind of. How am I supposed to know what kind to get my wife sent me to grab some because she apparently forgot she was out and all she said was can you get me tampons." He finishes his rant and I start to laugh a little
"Well she would probably use these." I hand him the same kind I get thinking maybe she's around my size "thanks" he says cracking a smile "I'm Joc by the way Joc Pederson". He extends his arm out to shake my hand.
I pretend like I don't know who he is and then he says "well I gotta go duty's call, Thanks for your help." He drags the word help emphasizing me to say my name. " oh sorry I'm Alexia, or Alex by short I usually go by ." I say with a nervous laugh
"Well it was nice to meet you Alex" he says ,
"yeah nice to meet you too I hope those are the right ones." I say pointing to the tampons in his hand.
"Yeah me too."
I turn to walk away but my mouth gets the best of me and I say " hey Joc does Bellinger try giving sweaters to all his charity cases or just me?" I say with a mocking tone.
He smirks " so your the girl who turned Belli down."
"Yeah I don't feel like being a charity case or ending up on Instagram saying Cody Bellinger saved me from the cold so he can get for fans or money."
Joc looks at me confused " I'm sorry that it seemed that way but those were not Cody's intentions. He's a good guy who saw a girl shivering in front of him. It's Cody he's going to help." He pauses and then continues
"He thought you were beautiful and wanted to get to know you. His number was in the pocket of the jacket."
" I think about what I'm going to say and then start " first of all I'm not even pretty so I don't know where he got. Second him trying to give me his sweater is the same thing as a total stranger doing that it's weird ."
"A guy like him can do a lot better." I finish and Joc looks at me with concern. I look at him one more time giving him a tight smile and go to the medicine isle.
After finding the medicine and some pedialite I am on my way home.
The apartment is quiet which means Jordan stopped crying.
I wake her up and have her drink the medicine. She's dead asleep after that and I can finally get some sleep.

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