Chapter 6 // Codys P.O.V

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Saturday. My favorite day of the week. The day when we all go out to drink and another day of baseball.

The game starts at 6:10 so that means I have to be at the field by 3 to get ready. I'll probably go get some breakfast or and play games till then.

I go downstairs to see if anyone else is up and discover that just Chris is awake.

"Heard you had a tough night last night." He smirks and continues to eat his cereal

"You guys are never gonna let that one go are you." I shake my head and crack a smile

"No, probably not." We are both laughing now.

I go back upstairs to take a shower and I can't help but let my mind travel to Alex. The hoodie girl. The way she looked at me before realizing I was the one who offered her the hoodie.

Joc told me not to stress over the situation but I can't help it. Maybe a breakfast burrito will help.  So after showering I decide to go down to my favorite spot called Frank's. 

Time passes and now i am back home and ready to leave to get to the field. "Hey Chris are we riding together or just going to meet there after the game?" 

"We can just meet there since lover boy over there is ditching us." He says pointing towards Corey and his girlfriend Maddy.

"Ok well I'm going to get something to eat and then head to the field , see you guys later."  I here a whole bunch of "bye belli" and leave


The game went pretty good.  Ryu threw a good seven inning and our closers did the rest. We ended up winning the game 6-2 with Seager and I both hitting homeruns. 

I get my stuff together after showering.  I'm wearing a plain black shirt with some dark blue  denim jeans.  I have a black sweater over because it gets a little colder by the beach at night.

Honestly at this point all I want to do is go home and go to sleep but I already promised Chris and Joc that I'd go out drinking with them since we play late on Sunday.

end up going to a bar called Barney's beanery weird name I know, but supposedly they are supposed to have some pretty good burgers.  I pull up to the bar and wait to see where my friends are at.

Spotting Joc i get out of my car and then follows behind is Chris. We walk up to the bar and joc playfully punches me saying " mvp's gonna get wasted tonight ." Joc says as he shakes my shoulders. I just chuckle he knows I won't I have to drive home anyways

We are still laughing when we walk in and then find seats at the bar. " how hard are we drinking tonight like are we just doing beer or shots."

"Slow down there just because your not starting tomorrow doesn't mean I'm not." Chris punches me and joc speaks up.

"Excuse me can we get a round of beer please."
The bartender turns around to look us and her eyes go wide. It's the girl from the game the one who rejected me, the one who I couldn't stop thinking about.

"Ye-ah" she stutters and hurry's to get our beers "he-re you go."

I can't seem to take my eyes off her. She looks exhausted. She's got bags under her eyes and all the color in her body is drained. Her hair is a mess on top of her head but somehow she still manages to look perfect.

I force myself to peel my eyes off of her and direct my attention to my friends. Next thing I know I here glass break and people gasping.

There she was the hoodie girl lying on the ground unconscious. The guys and I go around the bar to see if she was ok. A middle aged lady comes from the back and rushes to Alex.

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